Compare 1587 edition:
1 King William accepted the
A portion of Northumber|lande reſtored to the Scottes. King Williã
receyueth a piece of Nor|thumberlande with his right ſaued to the
reſidue. King Henrye repẽting him ſelfe of that whiche he had deliuered to the
Scots, ſee|kes new occa|ſions of ware.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Within fewe yeares after, king Henry fee|ling what hynderance it was for him to forbeare the commodities of thoſe landes, whiche were thus deliuered vp to the Scottiſhe kings vſe, re|pented him of that bargaine: and therfore to find ſome occaſion to recouer the ſame again, he pro|cured his ſubiectes that dwelled vpon the bordu|res, to make forrayes into the landes perteyning to the Scottes, ſo to prouoke them to battayle.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 273Complaint of theſe iniuries beyng broughte vnto the wardeyn of the Scottiſhe bordure, [...] with Englande. by ſuch Scottes as had loſte ſuche goodes as w [...]e taken away by the Engliſhmen he ſe [...] to de|maunde reſtitution, but for ſo muche as [...]e could haue no towardly aunſwere he got together a great number of men, the which entring into the Engliſhe grounde, did muche hurt on eche ſide where they came.