Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry perceyuing that he muſt eyther ſatiſfye King Williams requeſt,See more ther of in England. eyther elſe haue open warres with the Scottes, by aduice of hys nobles, reſtored to king Willyam ſo muche of Northumberland as his grandfather king Mal|colme had in poſſeſſion.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 King William accepted the
A portion of Northumber|lande reſtored to the Scottes. King Williã
receyueth a piece of Nor|thumberlande with his right ſaued to the
reſidue. King Henrye repẽting him ſelfe of that whiche he had deliuered to the
Scots, ſee|kes new occa|ſions of ware.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Within fewe yeares after, king Henry fee|ling what hynderance it was for him to forbeare the commodities of thoſe landes, whiche were thus deliuered vp to the Scottiſhe kings vſe, re|pented him of that bargaine: and therfore to find ſome occaſion to recouer the ſame again, he pro|cured his ſubiectes that dwelled vpon the bordu|res, to make forrayes into the landes perteyning to the Scottes, ſo to prouoke them to battayle.