Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after was king Dauid taken with a ſore diſeaſe and maladie, which continued wyth him to the ende of his lyfe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 And ſo when hee perceyued himſelfe to waxe faynte and feeble, he required to be borne to the Churche, where he receyued the ſacrament of the Lordes bodie and bloud, with moſt ſolemne re|uerence, and then beeing brought againe to hys chamber, he called together his nobles, and com|mending vnto thẽ his yong nephews, the ſonnes of his ſonne the forenamed prince Henry, he kiſ|ſed eche one of them after an other, moſt inſtant|ly EEBO page image 268 deſiring them in the honour of almighty God,The exhorta|tion of king Dauid to his nobles. to ſeeke the preſeruation of common quiet, to the aduauncement of the publike weale.