Compare 1587 edition:
1 But ſhortly after, Thurſtane
Archbiſhop of Yorke came vnto Roxbourgh called in thoſe dayes Marken, to treate
for a peace,
Roxburgh in old time Mar|ken. A truce.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But for ſo muche as this couenant was not performed on king Stephens ſide,King Dauid inuadeth Nor|thumberland. king Dauid inuaded that part of the cuntrey which the En|gliſhmen helde, making greate ſlaughter of all them that he found there about to reſiſt him.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Stephan paſſeth vnto Roxbourgh.King Stephen moued herewith, leuied his people, and came in puiſſant aray vnto Roxbo|rough: but for that he had ſecrete knowledge that ſome of the nobles in his armie ſoughte hys de|ſtruction,King Stephan returneth. hee was conſtrayned to returne with|out atchieuing of any worthie enterpriſe.