Compare 1587 edition: 1 Maude king Edgars ſiſter.Vnto Henry Beauclerke in the ſeconde yeare of his raigne king Edgar maried the one of hys ſiſters called Maulde.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The other named Marie, hee coupled wyth Euſtace Earle of Bulloigne:Euſtace Earle of Bulloigne. Of the whiche mariage was borne a daughter that was the on|ly heyre of the ſame Euſtace in the Countie of Bulloigne, the which when ſhe came to womans ſtate, was maried vnto Stephen Earle of March in England, & of Mortaigne in France, Nephew to Henrie Beauclerke by his ſiſter.