Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Croſſe was called the Recroſſe,The Recroſſe. that is to ſay, the Croſſe of the kings.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer it was concluded that Waltheof or Voldoſius (as the Scottiſh writers name him) ye ſonne of Sywarde Earle of Northumberlande,Waltief. Syward Earle of Northum|berlande. ſhould marry king Williams neece, borne of his daughter, and to be free from all payments and exactions due to the king by any maner of pre|rogatiue or meanes, for the ſpace of .xx. yeares next enſuing.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the neck of this peace thus cõcluded betwixt ye kings,Rebellion in Galloway. hapned new trouble in Scotlãd by reaſõ of inteſtine rebelliõ, for the people of Galloway, & the Ilãd mẽ, roſe in great nũbers & ſpoiled ye bor|ders of their neighbors, not ſparing frõ ſlaughter in al parts, where they were any thing reſiſted.