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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the foreſayde Parliament thus holden at Forfair, in the beginning of his raign, there were many holeſome ordinances eſtabliſhed, both ap|perteyning to ciuill adminiſtration, and alſo to the eccleſiaſticall iuriſdiction.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In rewarde alſo of Makduffes ſeruice,Makduffes Earle of Fife his aduaunce|ment. who (as ye haue heard) chiefly ayded him to the at|teyning of the crowne, he honoured him and his poſteritie with three ſortes of priuiledges.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fyrſt that the Earle of Fife for the tyme be|ing,Priuiledges graunted vnto Makduffes lynage. at the coronation of a king ſhould by his of|fice ſet the crowne on the kings head. The ſe|cond was, that when the king ſhould giue bat|taile to his enimies, the ſame Earle ſhould leade the vauntgard of his hoſt: The thirde, that the lynage of Makduffe ſhould enioy regall autho|ritie and power within al their lands & roomthes, as to appoynt officers and iudges for the hearing and determining of all matters and controuer|ſies (treaſon onely excepted) and that if any of their men or tenants were called to anſwere in any Court out of their circuit, they might ap|peale to their owne iudges to bee appoynted as before is expreſſed.

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