Compare 1587 edition: 1 MAlcolme Cammore thus recouering the realme (as ye haue hearde) by ſupport of king Edward, in the .xvj.Mal|colme. yeare of the ſame Ed|wards raign, he was crowned at Scone the .xxv day of April, in the yeare of our Lorde .1057.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Immediately after his coronation, he called a Parliament at Forfair,A Parliament at Forfair. in the which he rewar|ded them with landes and liuings that had aſſi|ſted him agaynſt Makbeth, aduauncing them to fees and offices as he ſaw cauſe, and commaun|ded that ſpecially thoſe that bare the ſurname of any office or landes, ſhoulde haue and enioye the ſame.