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Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was a Foxe hauing a ſore place on him ouerſet with a ſwarme of flies that conti|nually ſucked out hir bloud,A fable of a Foxe. and when one that came by and ſaw this maner demaunded whe|ther ſhe woulde haue the flies dryuen beſyde hir, ſhe anſwered no: For if theſe flies that are alrea|die full, and by reaſon thereof ſucke not very e|gerly, ſhould be chaſed away, other that are emp|tie and felly an hungred, ſhoulde light in theyr places, and ſuck out the reſidue of my bloud farre more to my grieuance than theſe, which now be|ing ſatiſfied doe not much annoy me. Therefore ſayth Malcolme, ſuffer me to remaine where I am, leaſt if I attaine to the regiment of your realme, mine inquenchable auarice may proue ſuch, that ye would thinke the diſpleaſures which now grieue you, ſhould ſeeme eaſie in reſpect of the vnmeaſurable outrage, whiche might enſue through my comming amongſt you.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Makduffe to this made anſwere,Couetouſneſſe the roote of al miſchiefe. how it was a farre worſe fault than the other, for auarice is the roote of all miſchiefe, and for that crime the moſt part of our kings haue bene ſlain & brought to their finall ende. Yet notwithſtanding follow my counſel, and take vpon thee the crowne, there is golde and riches inough in Scotlande to ſa|tiſfie thy greedie deſire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then ſayde Malcolme againe, I am fur|thermore inclined to diſſimulation, telling of lea|ſings and all other kinds of deceyt, ſo that I na|turally reioyce in nothing ſo muche as to betray and deceyue ſuche,Diſsimulation and deliting in lyes. as put any truſt or confi|dence in my wordes. Then ſith there is nothing that more becommeth a prince than conſtancie, veritie, truth, and iuſtice, with the other laudable felowſhip of thoſe faire and noble vertues which are comprehended onely in ſoothfaſtneſſe, & that lying vtterly ouerthroweth ye ſame, you ſee how vnable I am to gouerne any prouince or region: and therfore ſith you haue remedies to cloke and hide al the reſt of my other vices, I pray you find ſhift to cloke this vice amongſt the reſidue.

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