Compare 1587 edition: 1 The eldeſt daughter was maried to Iames, that was the ſonne and heyre of William Erle of Dowglas. The ſecond daughter was ma|ried to Iohn Dunbar,Iohn Dunbar. brother to George of Dũ|bar Earle of Marche, and was made to the ad|uancement of his further fame earle of Murray.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 He got on hyr one onely daughter, that was maried to the Dowglas, and ſo Dowglas came to the Erledome of Murray. The third daugh|ter was maried vnto Iohn Lyoun, that was af|ter made Lorde of Glammis.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer the foreſayde
Robert that was the firſte of the Stewardes whiche ware the crowne in
Scotlande,Ewfame. maried Ewfame daugh|ter to the
Earle of Ros, and got on hyr twoo ſonnes, Walter Earle of Atholl,
Walter and Dauid, ſonnes to king Ro|bert. Robert Duke of Albany.