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Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 184 King Donald is taken with the nobilitieKing Donald being faſt a ſleepe at the firſte aſſault of the enimies, as he that had drunken o|uer night more than enough, was taken before he coulde make any ſhifte for himſelfe with all the reſidue of the nobilitie, that eſcaped with life.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The campe is ryfled.The Scottiſh campe, the day next after this ouerthrow, was ryfled, the ſpoyle being deuided amongſt the Engliſhmen and Brytons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But when the fame of this infortunate bat|taile was noyſed once through the realme of Scotland how the king was taken pryſoner,The whole realme of Scot+land diſcom|fyted. his campe wonne, the armie diſcomfited, and almoſt all the ſouldiers and men of warre ſlayne, thoſe fewe of the nobles whiche were left aliue remay|ning as pryſoners in the enimies handes, there was ſuche dole and lamentation made ouer all, as though the realme had already bene loſte without recouerie. Some there were that bla|med fortune, ſome curſed the wicked trade of lyfe in the king: other bewayling the great cala|mitie of this miſchaũce put the fault in diuers o|ther things, as in ſuch caſes cõmõly it falleth out: for in ſundry heades are euer ſundry opinions. Many ranne vp and downe the ſtreets and high wayes, to enquyre the certaintie of all things, & whether there were any hope at all left to reſiſt the enemies, alſo which way the enimies helde, wherabout they went, & what they purpoſed to do.The Engliſh|men inuade Lothian, the Brytons Gal|loway. Anone after, when it was certainely knowen that the Engliſhmen were entred by Lothian, and the Brytons by Galloway, there was ſuch feare mixed with ſorrow (for loſſe of theyr frends and kinſfolke) ſtryken into the peoples hartes, and namely into the womens, that a greater hath not bene heard of in any region.The Scots left comfortleſſe. So that all prouiſion to defende theyr countrey was quite neglected, ſo amazed were the Scots with the ſodayne chaunge of fortunes fauour. The Engliſhmen herevpon tooke all the countrey e|uẽ to the water of Forth,The Brytaines as yet kept poſſeſsion of Cumberlande, & thoſe other countreys ly|ing by the coaſt of thoſe weſt ſeas. and likewiſe the Bry|tons ſeaſed into theyr handes all that whiche li|eth from the bounds of Cumberland vnto Ster|lyng bridge, finding no reſiſtaunce in theyr way at all. Herevnto aſwell the Engliſhmen as Brytons vſed the victorie very cruelly, ſpa|ring neither one nor other of the Scottiſh bloud, that by any meanes fell into theyr handes, but prieſtes and all paſſed one way,The victorie vſed cruelly. that is by the edge of the ſwoorde.

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