Compare 1587 edition: 1 With theſe and diuers other ordinaunces, whiche tyme and other ſtatutes by other kings diuiſed haue abrogated, Kenneth gouerned his people in great felicitie during his lyfe time.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhops ſea, whiche before had bene at Abirnethy,S. Reule his Church, nowe called Saint Andrewes. hee tranſlated vnto the Churche of that holy man Saint Reule. Euer ſithe whiche time the towne hath bene called Saint An|drewes, and thoſe whiche gouerned the ſame Churche long time after, were called the greate Biſhoppes of Scotlande: for the realme was not deuided into Dioceſes till the daies of Mal|colme the thyrde, who by deuine inſpiration as is ſayde) ordeyned the ſea of Murthlake, now called Abirden: but ſuche as were reputed of vertuous behauiour and knowledge meete for the office, vſed the authoritie and rowmeth of Biſhoppes in what place ſo euer they were re|ſident. Yet ſuche was the continuaunce of thoſe which gouerned the church of Saint Andrewes, that there haue bene aboue the number of fortie Biſhoppes, reſident there ſithe the firſte inſti|tution of that ſea: many of them for the opi|nion conceyued of theyr holineſſe beyng num|bred accordyng to the maner in times paſte in the regiſter of Saints.
Compare 1587 edition:
The boundes [...] Scottiſh ki [...]gdome.But nowe to returne vnto Kenneth, who hauing (as is ſayde) enlarged the boundes of his kingdome,
ſo as the ſame ſtretched foorth vnto the confynes of Northumberlande on the one
ſide, and to the Iſles of Orknay, on the other the ſea compaſſing in the
reſidue, at the length after hee hadde reygned aboute twentie yeares in greate
renowme and glory, hee depar|ted out of this lyfe,
King Kenneth departeth out of this life. 85 [...] H.B.