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1.3. The Deſcription of Galloway, Kyle, Carricke and Cunningham, with the notable Townes, Lakes and Riuers in the ſame. Chap. 3.

The Deſcription of Galloway, Kyle, Carricke and Cunningham, with the notable Townes, Lakes and Riuers in the ſame. Chap. 3.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 ABoue Niddeſdale is Galloway (named ſome|time Brigantia) the people whereof were in times paſt called Brigantes: this region is deuided by the water of Cree into two partes, whereof that which lieth neareſt to Niddeſdale, is called nether Galloway, & the other that is aboue the Cree is na|med vpper Galloway. In nether Galloway is Kirkcowbry, a rich towne & of a good trade in mer|chaundize, and in vpper Galloway is Whitherne in Latine Candida caſa, an Abbay dedicated to S. Ninian the Biſhop, & there lieth his carcaſe, which is honored of the people with great ſuperſtition and errour. Aboue Whitherne is Wigton towne, & not far from thence is the great lake of Myrton, the one half whereof doth freze by naturall congelation as other pooles and plaſhes do, but the other is neuer ſeene to beare any Ice at all, whiche vnto me doth ſeeme to be great wonder. In Galloway moreouer are two other lakes, the Sal [...]et and the Neutra|men, of equall length and breadth with the Loch|myrton: As for Galloway it ſelfe, it yeeldeth out a great point promontory or cape (which the Scots call a Mule or Nuke) into the Iriſh ſea. The com|mon ſorte name it the Mules Nuke, & by the roun|ding of it ſelfe, it maketh two great lakes, named Rean and Lowis, except I be deceyued, one of theſe lakes or pooles is xxx. and the other xvj. myles of length, & both full of Oyſters, Herring, Congers, Cockles, and other like kindes of fiſhe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some are of the opinion that Brigantia was the ſame region of Britain yt is now called Wales, wherein the Brytons inhabited many yeares after their expulſion out of Brytaine. But this opiniõ is falſe, ſith the Romaynes write how that Man the Iland lieth ouer againſt Brigantium and midde|way betwene the ſame and Ireland: for albeit that the brayes or bayes are now worne wider and far|der diſtant ech from other by the waſhing and wor|king of the ſea, yet the ſame latitude and eleuation of the pole that Ptolomy aſcribed to the Brygantes, agreeth well to the height of the pole ouer Gallo|way, which is very farre from Wales, ſithence the Ile of Man lieth alſo 300. miles from thence, and in the ſight of Galloway. In like ſort by the teſtimo|ny of ſundry Authors both Iriſh and Spaniſh, we affirme that out of Brigantium, a citie of Spaine, (now named Compoſtella) there came a new com|pany of people into Ireland called Spaniardes, & out of Irelãd another crew of theſame nation with king Fergus into Albion, and in remembraunce of the citie Brigance, wherein they inhabited whileſt they were in Spayne, they called themſelues Bry|gantes. To this opinion in like ſort Cornelius Ta|citus doth ſeeme to leane, who ſaith, that the Bry|gantes deſcended from the Spaniardes, whiche in his time dwelled in the vttermoſt partes of Bry|taine, including vnder ye name the whole Iland of Albion. Theſe regions afore reherſed, that is to ſay, Annandale, Niddeſdale and Galloway, beſide fine wolles and ſtore of cattell, doth alſo abounde with all kindes of grayne, wheate onely excepted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboue Galloway is Carrike, ſometime a por|tion of the region of the Silures, of whoſe name it is not yet certainely knowne, whether it was deri|ued from the famous citie Carricke, whoſe ruines do yet remaine, or not. Silury is diuided into three EEBO page image 4 parts, videlicet Carrick, Kyle & Cunningham: In the firſt as I ſayd, was Carrick the noble citie: and in this countrey are many ſtrong Caſtels, bothe by naturall ſituation and pollicy of mã: herein alſo are fayre kine, and oxen whoſe fleſh is delicate, and ve|ry tender to be eaten, the tallow moreouer of theyr wombes is ſo moyſt & ſappy that it neuer waxeth harde, but relenteth of the owne accorde, and becõ|meth like vnto oyle. Beyond Carrick is Kyle, ſo called of Coile King of Brytaine, ſomtime ſlaine in the ſayd region,Reade in the Latin Hector, 12 foote highe 30. foote in length, & thre elles thicke. and therein is a ſtone, not much aboue xij. miles from the towne of Air, ful xxx. foote high, & three elles of breadth, called the deafe ſtone, not without cauſe: for when a man is on the one ſide thereof, he ſhal not heare what is ſayde or done on the other, though there be neuer ſo great noyſe made, no not if a Canon ſhould be diſcharged of ſet purpoſe, which to me doth ſeeme impoſſible, neuer|theleſſe the farder a man ſtandeth from the ſame, the better ſhall he heare what ſoeuer the noyſe be. Next vnto Kyle is Cunninghã the third part of Silurie, whoſe inhabitãts in time paſt were moſt noyſome to ye Romaines. In Kyle is a poole named Doune, from whence the riuer Doune, doth runne thorow the middeſt of that region into the Iriſhe ſea. In Cunningham likewiſe is a lake called Garnoth, equall in quantitie vnto the Doune, and no leſſe fa|mous for the abundance of fiſh that is dayly found therein: and not farre from the ſame is the towne called Largis, where Alexander the thirde King of Scotland of that name, ſometime ouercame the Danes and Norwegians, whereby it grewe to be famous, and of more reputation among vs.

1.4. The ſituation of Renfrew, Cliddiſdall, Lennox, Lowmund, Argile, Louchquhaber, Lorne, and Kentyre, with all the notable things contay|ned in the ſame. Chap. 4.

The ſituation of Renfrew, Cliddiſdall, Lennox, Lowmund, Argile, Louchquhaber, Lorne, and Kentyre, with all the notable things contay|ned in the ſame. Chap. 4.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 THe water of Clide, deuideth Lennox on the Northſide from the Barrony of Renfrew, & it riſeth out of the ſame hill in Calidon wood, from whence the Annand falleth, and goeth with a long courſe into the Iriſh ſea: ſome cal this riuer Gluda, & Cluda, but Tacitus nameth it Glota. Not far alſo from the fountaines of Clide, ariſeth the water of Forth, that runneth on the contrary ſide into the Germaine Ocean. In like ſorte after the water of Clude hath run for a ſeaſon towarde the North, it gathereth ſomwhat inward til it come to the moũ|taine of Granzeben, & from thence holdeth on with a ſwift courſe, til it fall as I ſayd into ye Iriſh ſeas. The coũtrey where it rũneth is named Clideſdale. Betwixt Clide & Lennox lieth ye Barony of Ren|frew, wherin are two pooles named Quhinſouth & Leboth, of which the firſt is xij. miles in compaſſe, the other xx. and both very riche & plentifull of fiſh. But in Lennox that lieth next aboue Renfrew to|ward the Ocean (called by Ptolomy Lelgouia is a great mere or lake that hight Lochmond, of [...]. miles in length, & [...]ight in breadth, and within the Lhin or poole, are [...]0. Ilandes wel repleniſhed with Churches & dwelling houſes, & in the ſame alſo [...]re three things worthy conſideration, whereof the firſt is, that the pleaſant & very delicate fiſhe there bredde doth want finnes. The ſecõd is, that the water will often ſwell with huge waues though no winde be ſturring, and that in ſuch wiſe that the beſt Mari|ners in the countrey dare not aduenture to ſayle thereon. There is alſo a very fruiteful and commo|dious Ile therein, very neceſſary for the paſturage of cattel, whiche fleet [...]th hither and thither as the winde bloweth. This lake is ſituate at the foote of the hill called Granzeben, whiche were ſometime the marches or limites betwixt the Scots & Pictes, & are extended frõ Lochlowmund to the mouth of Dee. Certes the Pictes had no parte of the country beyond the Granzeben, nor toward the Iriſh ſeas, for this region was inhabited by the Scots. Eight miles frõ Lochlowmund is the caſtel of Dumbrit|taine named ſometime Alcluid, and here the water of Leuen falleth into the Clide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Beyond Lochlowmũd is Argile, an hilly coũtry and full of [...]ragges and mountaines, therin alſo are two lakes Lochfine and Lochquho, that diuide the region into three partes, that in the middeſt beyng called Knapdale. In Lochfine likewiſe is more plenty of herring than in any parte of the coaſt that compaſſeth the Iland, but in Lochquho are ſuche kindes of fiſhe to be vſually had as are commonly bredde in freſh waters. There are moreouer in Ar|gile two caſtels Glenunquhart and Encouell, and in it are 12. Iles, whoſe chiefe commoditie reſteth rather in paſturage for cattell, than aboundance of grayne. In Argile furthermore are many ritche mynes full of mettall, but the people there haue no ſkill to find and trie out the ſame. The conſtant re|port alſo goeth there, how there is a ſtone of ſuche nature, that if it be hiddẽ in ſtraw for a certaine ſea|ſon, it will kindle of it ſelfe & conſume the ſtraw to aſhes. There are ſeuen other lakes in Argile, wher|of ſome are thirty miles in length and breadth, and other leſſe. It was told me once by Doncan Camp|bell a noble Knight, that out of Garloll one of the pooles of Argile, there came a terrible beaſt in the yeare of grace, 1510. which was of the bigneſſe of a Greyhound, and footed like a gander, and iſſuing out of the water early in the mornyng about Mid|ſomer time, did very eaſily and without any viſible force or ſtreyning of himſelfe ouerthrow huge okes with his tayle, and therevnto killed three men out right that hunted him with three ſtrokes of his ſayd tayle, the reſte of them ſauing themſelues in trees there aboutes, whyleſt the aforeſayde Monſter re|turned to the water. Thoſe that are giuen to the obſeruations of rare and vncouth ſightes, beleeue EEBO page image 5 that this beaſt is neuer ſeene but agaynſt [...] great trouble & miſchief to come vpõ the realme of Scotland. For it hath ben diſcried alſo bef [...] that time, although not very often. Lorne ab [...]t|teth vpon Argile, which was once a part of Ar|gile, and reacheth out into the Iriſhe ſea, in ma|ner of a cape or toũg, full 60. miles. This poynt alſo was called Nouantia, but now it is named Kyntyre, that is to ſay, the head of Lorne, whoſe vttermoſt part is not full 26. miles frõ Ireland. Some Authors affirme, that both Argile and Cantyre, were called Nouantia in old time, ſith Ptolomy maketh no mention of Argile in his Coſmography. In this Lorne is great abun|dance of Barley whiche the Scottes call Beir. Beyond Lorne is Lochquhaber, heretofore a portion of Murrayland, very riche in mines of Iron & Lead, & no leſſe beneficial to the country in all kindes of cattel. There are likewiſe many woodes, many lakes, & many riuers, but two of them are moſle notable for the plenty of Sal|mons, & other delicate fiſhe, aſwell of the ſalt as freſh water, which is there taken & almoſt with|out any trauaile: neyther is there any where els in all the Ile ſuch ſtore. The one of theſe is na|med Lochty, and the other Spanȝe, but vpon what occaſiõ theſe names were giuen vnto thẽ I finde as yet no certainty. The Lochty riſeth not aboue eight miles from Lochnes, & falleth beneath the ſame into the Germaine Ocean, & beſide it, there is a rocky cragge, running out at length into the ſea, named Hardnomorth. In ye mouth of Lochty likewiſe was ſomtime a riche towne named Inuerlochty, whether the mar|chaunts of Fraunce and Spaine did make their dayly reſort, till at the laſt it was ſo defaced by the warres of the Danes, that it neuer was able ſithence the ſayde time to recouer hir priſtinate renowne. But whether the negligẽce of the due repayre of this towne, procedeth of the ſlouth of our people, or hatred that ſome enuious perſons do beare to cities & walled townes in our coun|trey, as yet it is vncertayne. Beyond Lochty is the caſtell of Dunſta [...]age, in time paſt named Euonium: beyõd Dunſtafage alſo is the mouth of the water of Spanȝe, where it falleth as I heare into the Germaine Ocean.

1.5. The diſcourſe of Ros, Stranauern, and M [...]rr [...]y land, with the lake [...], riuers and notable townes in them. Chap. 5.

The diſcourſe of Ros, Stranauern, and M [...]rr [...]y land, with the lake [...], riuers and notable townes in them. Chap. 5.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 BEyond the water of Spanȝe lieth Ros ſomtime called Lugia, a very narrow re|gion God it wote, but running out in greate lẽgth thorow the middeſt of the Ilande, being enuirõned on both ſides with the Ocean. That portion thereof whiche lieth neareſt to the Iriſh ſeas, is very difficulte for ſuche as trauell by the countrey, by reaſon of the high Mountaynes, whiche maketh the countrey more apt for wilde beaſtes than mankind to inhabite: neuertheleſſe waxing more fertile on that part whiche ſtret|cheth toward ye Germaine ſea, it yeeldeth it ſelf to culture, & rendreth ſome grayne. In paſture alſo it is not altogither vnprofitable, ſith there is good graſſe, and very batable for their heards: for the valeys there, bring watered with ſundry pleaſant ſtreames, do yeelde a ſweete & very ſa|uoury graſſe, wherewith all ſortes of cattell are very muche delited. In Ros are ſundry lakes, but Lochbrun is the greateſt. There are alſo many freſh riuers, fraught with excellent fiſhe, and finally a notable Firth or ſafe hauen called Cromart, whervnto diuers in time of neceſſitie do reſort, to auoyde the daunger of ſhipwrack, that otherwiſe would aſſuredly annoy thẽ. The Scottiſh mẽ call it heill of ſhipmen. In this re|gion moreouer is ye towne called Thane, where the bones of Dutho an holy man (as they ſay) do reſte, & art had in greater eſtimation among the ſuperſtitious ſorte (as ſometime ouer the whole Iland) than the holy Goſpel of God and merites of his Sonne, wherby we are onely ſa|ued. Two auncient houſes are likewiſe main|tained in one vale of the Ros, whoſe formes re|ſemble ſo many belles, but to what ende as yet I do not find. Next vnto the ſayd Ros lieth the Stramauerne, as the vttermoſt regiõ of Scot|land, ye coaſtes wherof abutting for a while vpõ the Dencalidon ſea, do afterwarde turne againe towarde the Almaigne ſeas, hauing partly the Deucalidon coaſt, and partly Catheneſe vpon the North ſide, Sutherland on the eaſt, Roſſ [...] on the ſouth, & Deucalidõ againe vpõ the weſt. There are three great cragges or pointes lying on the vttermoſt ſide of Stranauerne, that is to ſay, the Hoye, Howbrun (the greateſt of ye three) and Downiſby, which bicauſe they ſhoote farre off into the ſea, do make two great Firthes and lakes, eche of them being ſeuerally diſtinguiſhed from other. Next vnto Catheneſe lieth Suther|land, a profitable region both for grayne and all kindes of prouiſion, but chiefly for the nouriſh|ment of veſtial, whervnto it chiefly enclineth, as do the other two laſt before rehearſed. On the farder ſide alſo of this, lieth Murray land, ſom|time called Vararis, although the marches ther|of are changed from that they were of old. For wheras in time paſt all the regiõ lying betwene Spay and Neſſe to the Irelãd ſea, was named Murray, now it is knowen to be onely beyond the water of Spay & Kſſock [...], & reacheth on vn|till it come to the Iriſh ſea. Betwixt Ros and Murray land, is a great Baie, & likewiſe a diſ|cẽt of ſundry waters: for therinto fal the Neſſe, EEBO page image 6 Nardin, Findorn, Los and Spay, whereof this latter runneth with ſo fierce and violent a ſtreame, that the force of the ſea at the flood ſtri|uing to enter into the ſame, is put backe & may not reſiſt ye inuincible fal, & beats backe the wa|ter that deſcendeth into the Ocean. The Neſſe iſſueth out of a lake of the ſame name (which is not paſſing eight myles from the ſayde plaſhe, from whence the Lochtie runneth) and thence goeth into the Iriſhe ſeas: And this property it hath, that neither the ſtreame, neyther the lake it ſelfe will yeelde to be frozen in the very deepe of winter. Such alſo is the force therof, that if any Ice or whatſoeuer froſen ſubſtance be caſt ther|into, it will by and by relent and diſſolue againe to water, whereby it becommeth very profitable for ſuche cattell as are benũmed with colde. In the mouth of the Neſſe, ſtandeth a towne cal|led Inuerneſſe, where ſometime was great abũ|dance of herring taken, but now they be gone, by the ſecrete working of God. The common people put the fault in the riche & men of higher calling, who enuying the commoditie of the poore inhabitantes, will often ſeeme to bereeue them of this emolumẽt, by force and ſlaughter. Wherevpon (as they ſay) it cõmeth to paſſe, that the encreaſe eftſones decayeth, & very ſmal ſtore is taken there by many yeares after ſuch iniurie offered. But to proceede: beſide Lochneſſe, which is 24. miles of length & 4. in breadth, by reaſon of the great woodes there ſtãding, is great ſtore of ſauage beaſts, as Harts, wild Horſes, Roes, and ſuche like. There are likewiſe Martirnes, Beuers Foxes, & Weſelles, whoſe ſkinnes and caſes are ſolde vnto ſtraungers at huge and ex|ceſſiue prices. In Murray land alſo is not all-only great plenty of wheate, Barley, Otes, and ſuch like grayne, beſide Nuttes and Apples, but likewiſe of all kindes of fiſhe, and eſpecially of Salmon. The people thereof in like ſort do vſe a ſtrange maner of fiſhing: for they make a lõg Weele of wicker, narrow necked & wide mou|thed, with ſuch cunning, that whẽ the tide com|meth the fiſhe ſhoote themſelues into the ſame, & foorthwith are ſo incloſed, that whileſt the tide laſteth he cannot get out, nor after the water is gone, eſcape the hands of the fiſhers. In this re|gion moreouer is a lake named Spiney where|in is exceeding plenty of Swannes. The cauſe of their increaſe in this place is aſcribed to a certaine hearbe which groweth there in great a|bundãce, and whoſe ſeede is very pleaſant vnto the ſayde foule in the eating, wherfore they call it Swan Gyrs: & herevnto ſuch is the nature of ye ſame, that where it is once ſowen or plãted, it wil neuer be deſtroyed, as may be proued by ex|perience. For albeit that this lake be fiue myles in length, & was ſometime within the remem|brance of man very well ſtored with Salmon and other great fiſhe, yet after that this [...] began to multiply vpon the ſame, it became [...]o ſhallow, that one may now wade thorow the greateſt parte thereof, by meane whereof all the great fiſhe there is vtterly conſumed. In the portion furthermore, is the Churche of Pe [...], where the bones of litle Iohn remayneth great admiration. Certes this catcaſe hath bene 24. foote long, his members well proportioned ac|cording to his ſtature,This was no Fo [...] [...] into [...] and [...] Scotland. and not fully ſixe yeares before this booke was written (by Boethus) hee ſawe his hanche bone, whithe ſeemed ſo great as the whole thighe of a man, and he did thruſt his a [...]me into the hollowneſſe thereof, whereby it appereth what mighty people grew vp in [...] region before they were ouercome with glutto|ny and exceſſe. In this quarter finally is the towne called Elgyn, not farre from the mouth of Spaye, and therin is a Cathedral church fur|niſhed with Chanons: there are thereto ſundry riche and very wealthy Abbayes in Murray, as Kyll [...]s of the order of the Ciſteaux, and Pluſ|cardy of the Cluniackes.

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