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1.2. The deſcription of the Eaſt weſt and middle bor|ders of Scotland, with the moſt notable townes and flouds therof. Chap. 2.

The deſcription of the Eaſt weſt and middle bor|ders of Scotland, with the moſt notable townes and flouds therof. Chap. 2.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 THe Pictes had ſometimes the principall & moſt fertile parte of that countrey, whiche now is vnder the regiment of the Scottes, and after they had cõtinued in the ſame by the ſpace of .1171. yeares, ioyned in maner in perpetuall league with the Scots, & mainteining mutual|ly the warres ſometimes with the Brytaines & Romaines, & ſometimes alſo iarring with their Scottiſh neighbours, at the laſt they fel into ex|treme hatred one wt another, till it was brought to paſſe by the diuine prouidence, that the ſayde Pictes were ouerthrowen, their name extin|guiſhed, & the kingdome vnited vnto that other of the Scots for euermore. After this time fur|thermore, although the Scottes haue bene very oftentimes aſſayled with moſt daungerous and terrible warres & oftẽtimes inuaded by enimies from diuers regions, yet ſuch hath bene the fa|uour of almighty God towards them, that ſtill they flouriſh & retaine theyr eſtate inuiolate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Whatſoeuer wee haue generally ſpoken of Albion, that is chiefly to be vnderſtanded of the Scottes, & farre greater, eſpecially among the Scottes, as they call them in the high lande, as people that haue leſſe to do with forraine Mer|chants, & therfore are leſſe delicate, & not ſomuch corrupted with ſtrange bloud and alliaunce. Hereby in like ſorte it cõmeth to paſſe, that they are more harde of conſtitution of body, to beare off the colde blaſtes, to watche better, & abſteyne long, wherevnto alſo it appeareth that they are bolde, nimble, and thereto more ſkilfull in the warres. As for their faith & promiſe, they holde it with greateſt conſtancie, as Hector hath ſet downe. Towardes the Almaine ſea, I find, that Scotland hath the Mers, ſometime the moſte plenteous region of the Pictes for their marche, which ſo long as the ſayd people did inhabite it, was called Deera, or Dere, but after their ex|pulſion it was named Mers, that is to ſay, the Merches or limites of their coũtrey. In proceſſe of time alſo the Scottes extended their boundes euen vnto ye Twede, which now diuideth Nor|thumberlande from the Mers. On the other ſide of the countrey towarde the Weſt, ſundry ſmall bournes deſcend from the Cheriot hilles, & other mountaynes lying thereabout into the Solue, diuiding Cumberlãd from Annandale, & ſo being brought into one chanel, they fall togi|ther into the Iriſhe Ocean, and ſtande for the bounds of Scotland vpõ that halfe of the coun|trey. The Cheriot hilles are in like ſorte taken for the middle Marches of the region, whiche with certaine ſmal brokes that fall frõ theſame, do ſeparate both the countries, whereby their li|mites art knowen. The Mers hath vnder mar|ches at ſeueral places (whether it is extended) as ſometime the Germayne ſea, ſometime Eaſt Lowthian, ſomtime the Twede, & ſomtime the Forth, & among many ſtrong holds & Caſtels, that ſtand vpon the borders, is the towne & Ca|ſtell of Barwijck in time paſte called Ordolu|cium, as the inhabitantes are called Ordoluci (if Hector be not deceiued.) The Twede ſpringeth out from a meane head, and after his augmẽta|tion, with other ſmall waters that fall into the ſame, it deſcendeth with a large courſe into the Almayne ſea. Beyond ye Twede, to the middle March vnder the Cheriot hilles lieth Teuidale, that is to ſay, the vale of Tiffe: Beyond it is Eſkedale, or the vale of Eſke, of a riuer ſo cal|led that runneth thorow the ſame: ouer againſt Eſkedale on the other ſide lieth Euſdale, ſo na|med of the riuer Eus that paſſeth thereby, & fal|leth into the water of Annande: But Tif and Eſke do runne into the Twede: furthermore on the weſt ſide ouer againſt ye Iriſh ſea, lieth An|nandale, wherevnto the Annand water giueth denomination, which marcheth ſomtimes with out the boũdes of Niddeſdale, where al the three riuers aforeſayd, that is to ſay, Eus, Annand & Sulway deſcende togither in one bottome into the Iriſh ſeas.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In Annãdale is a Loch or lake named Loch|maben .5. miles in lẽgth & 4. in breadth, not only EEBO page image 3 very ful of fiſh, but of ſuch kinde as few men are ac|quainted with. Beſide this lake alſo there is a ca|ſtell of ye ſame name builded of purpoſe to reſtraine the furious dealing of theeues whiche do great hurt in thoſe quarters. For not only in Anandale, but in all the Dales or Vales afore rehearſed, are many ſtrong theeues, which often ſpoile the countrey, and exerciſe much cruel ſlaughter vpon ſuch as inhabite there in any troublous time. Theſe robbers (bicauſe the Engliſh do border vpõ their dry marches, & are their perpetual enimies) do oftẽ make forcible rodes into the Engliſh boundes, for their better mainte|naunce & ſuſtẽtation, or els they pilfer priuily from them, as men leading in the meane ſeaſon a poore beggerly & very miſerable life. In the time of peace alſo, they are ſo inured to theft and rapine, that they cãnot leaue off to ſteale at home: & notwithſtãding that they be often very ſore handled therefore, yet they thinke it prayſe worthy to moleſt their aduer|ſaries, as they cal the truer ſorte, whereby it cõmeth to paſſe, yt many riche & fertile places of Scotlãd lie waſt & voyde of culture for feare of their inuaſion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Not far from the Sulway (a water where great plenty of fiſh is to be had) are many quicke ſandes, & thoſe ſo perillous that no man may well go ouer the ſame, but with great difficultie & daunger of his life. This vale of Annand was ſomtime called Or|douitia, & the people thereof Ordouices, whoſe aun|cient barbarouſneſſe is reported to be ſuche, that in times paſt they refuſed not to kill and eate ſuch pri|ſoners as had yeelded themſelues vnto them. The very womẽ in like ſort would ſlea their huſbands, if at any time they fled frõ the field, and returned to their houſes, only to giue occaſion vnto other mẽ to ſtand to their tacklings at euery ſuch aduenture.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the Weſt borders & toward the North lieth Niddeſdale, ſo called of the water of Nidde. It be|ginneth with a very narrow courſe, and increaſing broder in the middle marches of Scotland, it final|ly reſtrayneth it ſelf againe, till it cõmeth at the ſea, whether it runneth with a ſwift courſe, as ye Scot|tiſh writers do report. In this vale ſtãdeth a towne named Dunfriſe, wherein many fine clothes eſpe|cially whites are made, which are brought vp & ca|ried into England, Fraunce, Flaũders & Germany where they are had in great price and eſtimation.

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1.2. The description of the east, west, and middle borders of Scotland, with the most notable townes and flouds thereof. The second Chapter.

The description of the east, west, and middle borders of Scotland, with the most notable townes and flouds thereof. The second Chapter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _THe Picts had sometimes the principall and most fer|tile part of that countrie, which now is vnder the regi|ment of the Scots, and after they had continued in the same by the space of 1171 yeares, ioined in maner in perpetuall league with the Scots, and mainteining mutuallie the warres sometimes with the Britains and Romans, and somtimes also tarring with their Scotish neighbours, at the last they fell into extreme hatred one of another, till it was brought to passe by the diuine prouidence, that the said Picts were ouerthrowne, their name extinguished, and the king|dome vnited vnto that other of the Scots for euer|more. After this time furthermore, although the Scots haue béene verie oftentimes assailed with most dangerous and terrible wars, and oftentimes inuaded by enimies from diuers regions, yet such hath beene the fauour of almightie God towards them, that still they flourish and reteine their estate inuiolate.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Whatsoeuer we haue generallie spoken of Al|bion, that is chieflie to be vnderstood of the Scots, and farre greater, especiallie among the Scots, as they call them in the high land, as people that haue lesse to doo with forreine merchants, and therefore are lesse delicate, and not so much corrupted with strange bloud and aliance. Hereby in like sort it commeth to passe, that they are more hard of con|stitution of bodie, to beare off the cold blasts, to watch better, and absteine long, whervnto also it ap|peareth that they are bold, nimble, and thereto more skilfull in the warres. As for their faith and promise, they hold it with greatest constancie, as Hector hath set downe. Towards the Almaine sea, I find, that Scotland hath the Mers, sometime the most plenti|ous region of the Picts for their march, which so long as the said people did inhabit it, was called Deera, or Dere; but after their expulsion, it was named Mers, that is to say, the marches or limits of their countrie. In processe of time also the Scots exten|ded their bounds euen vnto the Twéed, which now diuideth Northumberland from the Mers.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 On the other side of the countrie towards the west, sundrie small bournes descend from the Cheri|ot hilles, and other mounteines lieng thereabout in|to the Solue, diuiding Cumberland from Annan|dale, and so being brought into one chanell, they fall togither into the Irish ocean, & stand for the bounds of Scotland vpon that halfe of the countrie. The Cheriot hilles are in like sort taken for the middle marches of the region, which with certeine small brookes that fall from the same, doo separate both the countries, whereby their limits are knowne. The Mers hath vnder marches at seuerall places (whi|ther it is extended) as sometime the Germane sea, sometime east Louthian, sometime the Twéed, and sometime the Forth, and among manie strong holds and castels, that stand vpon the borders, is the towne and castell of Barwike in time past called Ordolucium, as the inhabitants are called Ordoluci (if Hector be not deceiued.)

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Twéed springeth out from a meane head, and after his augmentation with other small waters that fall into the same, it descendeth with a large course into the Almaine sea. Beyond the Twéed, to the middle march vnder the Cheriot hilles lieth T [...]|uidale, that is to say, the vale of Tiffe: beyond it is Eskedale, or the vale of Eske, of a riuer so called that runneth through the same: ouer against E [...]|dale on the other side lieth Eusdale, so named of the riuer Eus that passeth thereby, and falleth into the water of Annand: but Tif and Elke doo run into the Twéed: furthermore, on the west side ouer a|gainst the Irish sea, lieth Annandale, wherevnto the Annand water giueth denomination, which mar|cheth sometimes without the bounds of N [...]sdale, where all the three riuers aforesaid, that is to say, Eus, Annand and Sulway descend togither in one bottome into the Irish seas.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In Annandale is a loch or lake named Lochma|ben, fiue miles in length and foure in bredth, not onlie verie full of fish, but of such kind as few men are acquainted with. Beside this lake also there is a castell of the same name, builded of purpose to re|streine the furious dealing of théeues which doo great hurt in those quarters. For not onlie in Annandale, but in all the dales or vales afore rehearsed, are ma|nie strong théeues, which often spoile the countrie, and exercise much cruell slaughter vpon such as in|habit there, in anie troublous time. These robbers (because the English doo border vpon their drie mar|ches, and are their perpetuall enimies) doo often make forceable rodes into the English bounds, for their better maintenance and sustentation, or else EEBO page image 9 they pilfer priuilie from them, as men leading in the meane season a poore beggerlie and verie miserable life. In the time of peace also, they are so invred to theft and rapine, that they cannot leaue off to steale at home: and notwithstanding that they be often ve|rie sore handled therefore, yet they thinke it praise|woorthie to molest their aduersarie, as they call the truer sort, whereby it commeth to passe, that manie rich and fertile places of Scotland lie wast and void of culture for feare of their inuasion.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Not far from the Sulwaie (a water where great plentie of fish is to be had) are manie quicke-sands, and those so perilous that no man may well go ouer the same, but with great difficultie and danger of his life. This vale of A [...]and was sometime called Ordouicia, and the people thereof Ordouices, whose ancient barbarousnesse is reported to be such, that in times past they refused not to kill and eate such pri|soners as had yéelded themselues vnto them. The verie women in like sort would s [...]ea their husbands, if at anie time they fled from the field, and returned to their houses, onelie to giue occasion vnto other men to stand to their tacklings at euerie such ad|uenture. On the west borders and also toward the northlieth Niddesdale, so called of the water of Nid|de. It beginneth with a verie narrow course, and increasing broder in the middle marches of Scot|land, it finallie restreineth it selfe againe, till it com|meth at the sea, whither it runneth with a swift course, as the Scotish writers doo report. In this dale standeth a towne named Dunfrise, wherein manie fine clothes speciallie whites are made, which are brought vp and caried into England, France, Flanders, and Germanie, where they are had in great price and estimation.