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Compare 1587 edition: 1

¶The Authours out of whome this Hiſtorie of Scotlande hath bene gathered.

  • Hector Boece.
  • Iohannes Ferrarius Pedemontanus.
  • Iohannes Maior.
  • Iohannes Fourdon.
  • Rogerus Houeden.
  • Richardus Southvvell.
  • VVilhelmus Paruus, ſiue Neoburgẽſis.
  • Albertus Crantz.
  • Aeneas Siluius.
  • Edward Hall.
  • Richard Grafton.
  • Iohn Stovv:
And others.

[figure appears here on page 283]

EEBO page image 283

 TO THE RIGHT Honorable the Lorde Robert Dudley, Earle of Leyceſter, Baron of Denbigh, Knight of the moſt noble order of the Garter, Maister of the Queenes Maieſties Horſe, and one of hir highneſſe priuy Counſell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 _IT may ſeeme (right honorable) a gret pre|ſumptiõ in me, to haue taken in hand the col|lection of this Scot|tiſh hiſtory, and other of diuers regiõs, con|ſidering ſo many ſuf|ficient men as liue in theſe dayes, far more able to performe the ſame. But where at the motion of a ſpecial frend, I vndertooke to deale therin,Reginald VVolfe. more vpõ truſt of his promi|ſed ayde than of mine owne abilitie, it pleaſed God to cal him to his mercy before the worke could be fully brought to end: but yet to anſwere the expectatiõ of his frends, and truſt, which he had cõmitted to thẽ and me in this behalf, I haue done my good will to accõpliſh part of that, which in his life time was intended, al|though not to my wiſhed deſire, by reaſon of ſuch wantes as had bene ſupplied if he had liued to haue ſeene it publiſhed himſelf. It resteth (right noble Earle) that it may pleaſe your Honor to accept my doinges in good parte, to whom I offer this parcell of my trauayles in this Hiſtorie of Scotlande, in regarde of the ho|nour due to your noble Father, for his incomparable valure well knowen and approued, aſwel within that realme as els where in ſeruice of two Kings of moſt famous memory, Henry the .viij. and Edward the ſixte, ſounding ſo greatly to his renowme as EEBO page image 284 the ſame can not paſſe in ſilence, whileſt any remembraunce of thoſe two moſt pereleſſe Princes ſhall remain in written Hiſto|ries. I therfore moſt humbly beſeeche your honour to beare with my boldeneſſe in preſenting you with ſo meane a gifte, procee|ding from one, although vnknowen to your Lordſhippe, yet not without experience of your bountifull goodneſſe extended to|wardes thoſe, to whome I recken myſelf, moſt beholden: as what is he within this realme almoſt of any degree, which findeth not himſelfe bounden to your Honour, either in his owne cauſes or his frendes? for ſuche is your inclination to pleaſure all men, as the ſame may ſeeme a peculiar vertue planted in your noble harte, mouing you ſo much to delite therin, as no time is thought by your Honour better ſpent, than that whiche you employ in doing good to others. But leaſt I ſhoulde enter into ſo large a diſcourſe as might be framed of this and other your excellent vertues (a matter far exceding my ſimple knowlege) I wil ceaſe to ſpeake further thereof, ſith the ſame is ſpread ouer al, aſwel this as other regions: for no where doe want greate numbers of ſuch as haue aboundantly taſted of your exceeding courteſies. In making you owner therfore of this abſtract of the Scottiſh hiſto|ries, I moſt humbly beſeech your honour if any thing be amiſſe, to impute the ſame to the imperfectiõ and defect of better in|ſtructions, and with your benigne & fauourable interpretation to haue me therein excuſed. Suche as it is I addreſſe it to your good Lordſhip with ſo dutiful a mind as may be imagined, be|ſeeching God to preſerue your honor in long life, with plentiful increaſe of wiſedome, vertue & al wiſhful proſperitie.

Your honours moſt humble to commaunde RAPHAEL HOLINSHED.

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