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5.63. Conſtantius.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 109] THis Conſtã|tius then the ſonne of Conſtã|tine,Conſtã|tius. by the helpe (as before ye haue heard) of Vorti|gerne, was made king of Britaine, in the yeare of our Lorde .443.445. hath Math. Weſt. But Conſtanti|us bare but the name of king: for Vortigerne ab|vſing his innocencie and ſimple diſcretion to or|der things as was requiſite, had all the rule of the lande, and did what pleaſed him. Where|vpon firſt where there had beene a league conclu|ded betwixt the Brytaynes, Scottes and Pictes,Hector. Bo. in the dayes of the late King Conſtantine, Vortiger cauſed the ſame league to bee renued, and waged an hundred Pictes, and as manye Scottes to bee attendaunt as a garde vpon the kings perſon, dyuerſe of the whiche (corrupting them with fayre promiſes) he procured by ſubtile meanes in the ende to murther the King,Conſtantius murthered. and immediately vpon the deede done, he cauſed the murtherers to be ſtrangled, that they ſhoulde not afterwardes diſcloſe by whoſe procurement they did that deed?

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then cauſed he all the reſidue of the Scottes and Pictes to bee apprehended,The ſubtile dealing of Vortigerne. and as it had EEBO page image 110 beene vpon a zeale to ſee the death of Conſtanti|us ſeuerely puniſhed, he framed ſuch inditements and accuſations agaynſt them, that chiefely by his meanes (as appeared) the guyltleſſe perſons were condemned and hanged, the multitude of the Brytiſhe people beeing wonderfully pleaſed therewith, & giuing great cõmendations to Vor|tigerne for that deede.

[figure appears here on page 110]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus Conſtantius was made away in ma|ner as before ye haue hearde, after he had raigned (as moſte wryters affyrme) the ſpace of fiue yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then after that his death was knowne, thoſe that had the bringing vp and cuſtodie of his two yonger brethren,Aurelius Ambroſius. Vter Pen|dragon. Aurelius Ambroſe, and Vter Pendragon, miſtruſting the wicked intent of Vortigerne, whoſe diſſimulatiõ and miſchieuous meaning by ſome great likelihoods they ſuſpected, with all ſpeede they got them to the ſea, & fled into little Brytaine, there keeping them till it pleaſed God otherwiſe to prouide for them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But Vortigerne coulde ſo well diſſimule his craftie workings, and with ſuch conueyance and cloked maner coulde ſhadow and colour the mat|ter, that moſt men thought and iudged him moſt innocent and voyd of all euil meaning: inſomuch that he obteyned ſo greatly the fauour of the peo|ple, the hee was reputed for the onely ſtay and defender of the common wealth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevppon came it to paſſe, that when the Coũſell was aſſembled to elect a new king, for ſo much as the other ſonnes of king Conſtantine were not of age ſufficient to rule, Vortigerne himſelfe was choſen,Vortigerne is choſen king of Brytaynes. diuerſe of the nobles (whom hee had procured thereto) giuing their voyces to this his preferment, as to one beſt deſeruing the ſame in their opinion and iudgement.

5.64. Vortigerne.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vorti|gerne 446THus was Vortigerne choſen and made king of Brytain, in the yere of our Lord .446. third Cõſulſhip of Aetius, 1197. of Rome .4. of the 305. Olympiade .4112. of the worlde, the Dominicall letter going by F, the Prime by ten, whiche fell about the .xxj. yeare of the Emperour Valenti|nianus, the ſame yeare that Meroueus began to raigne ouer the Frenchmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Before hee was made king, he was Earle or Duke of the Geuiſſes, a people which helde that part of Brytaine where afterwardes the weſt Saxons inhabited.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nowe after that Vortigerne had with trea|ſon, fraude, and greate deceyte, at length at|teyned that for the whiche hee had long looked,Hector Bo. hee fyrſte of all furniſhed the Tower of Lon|don wyth a ſtrong garriſon of menne of warre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then ſtudying to aduaunce onely ſuch as he knew to be his eſpeciall friendes and fauourers, he ſought by all meanes how to oppreſſe other, of whoſe good will hee had neuer ſo little miſtruſt,415 namely thoſe that were affectionate towardes the lynage of Conſtantine he hated deadly, and de|uiſed by ſecrete meanes which way he might beſt deſtroy them: but theſe his practiſes being at the firſt perceyued, cauſed ſuche as had the gouer|nance of the two yong Gentlemen with all ſpeede to get them ouer (as yee haue heard) into Bry|tayne Armorike, there to remaine out of daun|ger wyth theyr Vncle the King of that lande,Fabian. and dayly did dyuerſe of the Brytaynes, that knewe themſelues to bee in Vortigerne his diſ|pleaſure ſayle ouer vnto them, whiche thyng brought Vortigerne into great doubt and feare of his eſtate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It chaunced alſo the ſame tyme, that there was greate plentye of corne, and ſtore of fruite,Gildas. the lyke whereof had not beene ſeene in manye EEBO page image 111 yeares before, [...]entie of [...]ealth accom| [...]nied with [...]re of ſinnes. and therevpon enſued ryote, ſtrife, lecherie, and other vyces right heynous, and yet accounted as then for ſmall or rather none offen|ces at all.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe abuſes and great enormities, raigned not onely in the temporaltie, but alſo in the ſpiri|tualtie and chiefe Rulers of the ſame: ſo that euerye man turned the poynt of his ſpeare (euen as if he had conſented of purpoſe) agaynſt the true and innocent perſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Commons alſo gaue themſelues to vo|luptuous luſt, drunkenneſſe, and ydle loytering, whereof followed fighting, contention, enuie, and much debate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of this plentie therfore inſued great pride, and of this abundaunce no leſſe hautineſſe of minde, whereupon followed great wickedneſſe, lacke of good gouernment and ſober temperancie, and in the necke of theſe as a iuſt puniſhment, death and mortalitie, ſo that in ſome Countreys vneth the quicke ſuffiſed to burie the dead.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And for an augmentation of more miſchiefe, the Scottes and Pictes hearing howe theyr Countreymen through the falſe ſuggeſtion of Vortigerne had beene wrongfully and moſt cru|elly put to death at London,Hector. Bo. Scottes and Pictes inuade the Brytayne. beganne wyth fyre and ſworde to make ſharpe and cruell warre agaynſt the Brytains, waſting their Countrey, [figure appears here on page 111] ſpoyling and burning their townes, and giuing them the ouerthrowe in a pight fielde, as in the Scottiſh hyſtorie more plainly appeareth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To be briefe, the Brytaynes were brought into ſuch daunger and miſerie, that they knewe not what way to take for remedie in ſuch pre|ſent perill, likely to bee ouerrunne and vtterlye vanquyſhed of their enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme Vortigerne not onely troubled with theſe imminent euilles, but fearing alſo the return of the two brethren, Aurelius Am|broſe, and Vter Pendragon, began to conſider of the ſtate of things, and eſteeming it moſt ſure to worke by aduice, called togither the Lordes and chiefe men of the Realme to haue theyr counſaile and opinion howe to proceede in ſuch a weightie buſineſſe: and ſo debating the matter with them, meaſured both his own force, and alſo the force of his enimies, and according to the condition and ſtate of the tyme, diligently conſidered & ſearched out what remedy was to be had and prouided.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length after they had throughly pondered al things, the more part of the nobles with the king alſo were of this minde, that there could be no bet|ter way deuiſed, than to ſende into Germanie for the Saxons to come to theyr ayde: The whiche Saxons in that ſeaſon were highly re|nowmed for theyr valyauncie in armes, and ma|nifolde aduentures heretofore atchieued. Gildas. VVil. Malm. Beda. The Saxons ſent for. And ſo forthwith Meſſengers were diſpatched in|to Germanie, the which with money, giftes, and promiſes, might procure the Saxons to come to the ayde of the Brytaynes agaynſt the Scottes and Pictes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Saxons glad of this meſſage, as people deſirous of entertaynment to ſerue in warres, chooſing forth a piked companie of luſtie yong mẽ vnder the leading of two brethren Hengiſt and Horſus,10000. hath Hector Bo. Gildas & Beda mention onely but of .3 plates or gallies, but Hector Bo. hath .30. 449 VVil. Malm. got them abourde into certain veſſels ap|poynted for the purpoſe, and ſo with all ſpeede directed their courſe towardes great Britain.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This was in the yeare of our Lorde .449. and in the ſecond yeare of Vortigerns raigne, as the moſt autentike wryters both Brytiſh and Eng|liſhe ſeeme to gather, althoughe the Scottiſhe wryters, and namely Hector Boetius doe varie herein, touching the iuſt accounte of yeares, as to the pervſers of the wrytings aſwel of the one as the other may appeare. But William Ha|riſon taketh it to bee in the fourth yeare of his EEBO page image 112 raigne whereto Beda ſeemeth to agree, who no|teth it in the ſame yere that Martianus the Em|perour beganne to rule the Empyre, which was (as appeareth by the conſularie table) in the Con|ſulſhippe of Protogenes and Auſterius, and thirde yere of Meroueus king of France.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe Saxons thus arryuing in Brytayne, were curteouſly receyued, and heartily welcomed of King Vortigerne, who aſſigned to them places in Kent to in habite, and forthwith ledde them agaynſt the Scots and Pictes, which were entred into Brytaine, waſting and deſtroying the Countrey before them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon comming to ioyne in battail, there was a ſore fight betwixt the parties for a while, but at length when the Saxons called to re|membraunce that the ſame was the day whiche ſhoulde eyther purchaſe to them an euerlaſting name of manhoode by victorie, or elſe of reproche by repulſe,Scootues [...] qui [...] [...] the [...] beganne to renew the fight with ſuche violence, that the enimies not able to abyde theyr fierce charge, were ſcattered and beaten down on [figure appears here on page 112] eche ſide with great ſlaughter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King hauing got this victorie, highlye rewarded the ſtraungers according to their well deſeruings, as by whoſe prowes he had thus van|quiſhed his enimyes,Henric. Hut. whiche as ſome write were come as farre as Stanfourde, and vſed at that tyme to fight wyth long Dartes, and Speares, whereas the Saxons fought onelye wyth long ſwordes and Axes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There bee that haue written howe the Sax|ons, were not ſent for, but came by chaunce into the Ile,Calf. Mon. and the occaſion to be this: There was an auncient cuſtome amongſt the Engliſh Sax|ons a people in Germanie, as was alſo at the firſt among other Nations, that when the multi|tude of them was ſo increaſed, that the Coun|trey was not able to ſuſtayne and finde them, by commaundement of their Princes, they ſhoulde chooſe out by lottes a number of yong and able perſonages, fitte for the warres, which ſhould go forth to ſeeke them newe habitations: and ſo it chaunced to theſe, that they came into great Bri|taine, and promiſed to ſerue the king for wages in his warres. But by what meane ſoeuer they came hither, truth is, that Hengiſtus being a man of great wit, rare policie, and high wiſdome, was their Captaine,Hengiſt pur|poſeth at the firſt to con|quere the Bry|taynes. who vnderſtanding this Kings minde, which now wholy truſted to the valiancie of the Saxons, and herewith perceiuing the fruit|fulneſſe of the Countrey, ſtreight wayes began to conſider with himſelfe, by what wyles and craft he might by little and little ſettle here, and obteine a kingdome in the Ile, and to eſtabliſh the ſame to him and to his for euer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Therefore firſt he indeuoured with all ſpeede poſſible to fence that part of the Countrey which was giuen to him and his people,Polidor. and to enlarge and furniſh it with gariſons appointed in places moſt conuenient.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this he did what he could to perſwade the king, that a great power of men might be brought ouer out of Germanie, that ye land being fortified with ſuch a ſtrength, the enimies might be put in feare, and his ſubiects holden in reſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King not foreſeeing the happe that was to come, did not deſpiſe this counſell contriued to the deſtruction of his Kingdome, and ſo was more ayde ſent for into Germanie: wherevpon now at this ſeconde tyme there arriued here.

VVil. Mal 13.

[...]oy [...] pla [...]es ſaye the Scottiſh wryters, and M. men in [...] ſame.

The Saxons call theſe V [...]|ſels Cooles, Keeles, and [...] old hyſtori [...] Cogi [...].

xvj. veſſels fraught with people, and at the ſame time came the Ladie Rowen or Ronix, daughter to Hengyſt, a Mayde of excellent beautie and come|lyneſſe able to delite the eyes of them that ſhoulde behold hir, and ſpecially to win the heart of Vor|tigerne with the dart of concupiſcence, whervnto he was of nature much inclyned, and that did Hengeſt well perceyue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There came ouer into thys lande at that tyme and ſoone after, three manner of people of the Germaine Nation, as Saxons, Vita (or EEBO page image 113 Iutes, [...]e Vitae or [...]e are called [...]ri. [...]lex. Now. and Angles, ouer the whiche the ſayde Hengiſt and Hors beeing brethren, were Cap|taines and rulers, men of right noble parentage in theyr Countrey, as diſcended of that aunci|ent Prince W [...]den, of whom the Engliſh Sax|on kings doe for the more part fetche theyr pede|gree as lineally deſcended from him, vnto a whom alſo the Engliſh people falſely reputing him for a God) conſecrated the fourth day of the weeke, as they did the ſixth to his wyfe fr [...]e, ſo that the ſome dayes tooke more of them, the one beeing called Wodenſday, [...]edneſday, [...]d Fryday, hereof they [...]me. and the other F [...]readay, which wordes after in continuance of time by corrupti|on of ſpeech were ſomewhat altred, though not much, as from Wodenſday, to Wedneſday, and from Freaday to Fryday.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]da.The foreſayde Woden was father to Vecta, father to Wetgiſlus, that was father to the fore|ſayd Hengiſtus and Horſus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe to rehearſe further touching thoſe three people whiche at this time came ouer into Brytayne oute of Germanie of the Vites, or Iutes, (as Beda recordeth) are the Kentiſhmen diſcended, and the people of the Ile of Wlight, with thoſe alſo that inhabite ouer agaynſte the ſame Ile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of the Saxons, came the Eaſt Saxons, the South Saxons, and Weſt Saxons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, of the Angles proceeded the Eaſt Angles, the middle Angles, or Mercies, and the Northren men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 That theſe Angles were a people of Germa|nie,Cor. Tacitus. it appeareth alſo by Cornelius Tacitus, who calling them Anglij, which worde is of three ſil|lables, (as Polidore ſayth:) But ſome wryte it Angli, with two ſillables.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And that theſe Angli, or Angli [...] were of no ſmall force and authoritie in Germanie before their comming into this lande, may appeare in that they are numbred amongeſt the twelue na|tions there, whiche had lawes and auncient or|dinaunces a part by them ſelues, according to the whiche the ſtate of theyr common wealth was gouerned, they beeing the ſame, and one people with the Thoringers, as in the tytle of the olde Thuringers lawes wee finde recorded, whiche is thus, Lex Angliorum & VVerinorum, hoc eſt, Thuringorum. The law of the Angles and VVe|rinians that is to witte the Thuringers, (whiche Thuringers are a people in Saxonie, as in the deſcription of that Countrey it may appeare) is this.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Polidor.But nowe to the matter. Hengiſt perceyuing that his people were highly in Vortigernes fa|uour, beganne to handle him craftily, deuyſing by what meanes hee mighte bring him im loue with his daughter Ronix,Rowen, or Ronowen Hengiſtes daughter. or Rowen, or Rono|wen (as ſome write) which he beleeued wel would eaſily be brought to paſſe, bycauſe he vnderſtoode that the King was much giuen to ſenſuall luſt,VVil. Malm. which is the thing that often blindeth wiſe mens vnderſtanding, and maketh them to dote, and to loſs theyr perfite wittes, yea, and oftentymes bringeth them to deſtruction, though by ſuche pleaſant poyſon, as they feele no better taſte tyll they be brought to the extreeme poynt of confu|ſion in deede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A greate Supper therefore was prepared by Hengiſt, at the whiche pleaſed the King to be preſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hengiſt appoynted his daughter when eue|rie man beganne to bee ſomewhat [...]er [...]ie wyth winke,Gal. Mon. to bring in a Cuppe of Golde full of good and pleaſant wine, and to preſent it to the King ſaying, VVaſſail. Which ſhee did in ſuch comely and decent maner, as ſhe that knewe howe to doe it well ynough, ſo as the King marueyled great|lye thereat, and not vnderſtanding what ſhee ment by that ſalutation,Waſſail, what it ſignifieth. demaunded what it ſig|nified. To whom it was aunſwered by Hingiſt, that the wiſhed him well, and the meaning of it was, that he ſhould drinke after hir ioyning ther|vnto this anſwere, drinke haile. Wherevpon the king (as he was enformed) tooke the cuppe at the Damſels hand, and dranke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally this yong Ladie behaued hirſelfe with ſuch pleaſant wordes, comely countenaunce, and amiable grace, that the king behelde hir ſo long, till he felt himſelfe ſo farre in loue with hir perſon, that he burned in continuall deſyre to enioy the ſame: inſomuch that ſhortly after he forſooke his owne wife, by the which he had three ſonnes,Polidor Fabian. na|med Vortimerus, Catagrinus, and Paſcentius, and requyred of Hengiſt to haue his daughter, the ſayde Rowen, or Ronowen in mariage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hengiſt at the firſte ſeemed ſtraunge to graunt to his requeſt, and excuſed the matter,VVil. Malm. for that his daughter was not of eſtate and dignitie meete to be matched with his maieſtie. But at length as it had beene halfe agaynſt his will hee conſented, and ſo the mariage was concluded and ſolemnized, all Kent beeing aſſigned vnto Hengiſt in rewarde, the whiche Countrey was before that tyme gouerned by one Guorongus, (though not with moſt equal iuſtice) which Guo|rongus was ſubiect vnto Vortigerne, as all other the Potentates of the Ile were.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This maryage and liberalitie of the King towardes the Straungers, muche defended the myndes of his ſubiectes, and haſtened the fi|nall deſtruction of the lande. For the Saxons nowe vnderſtanding the affynitie had betwixte the King and Hengiſt, came ſo faſt ouer to in|habite here, that it was wonder to conſider in howe ſhorte a tyme ſuche a multitude coulde come togyther: ſo that bycauſe of theyr greate EEBO page image 114 number and approued puiſſaunce in warres, they began to be a terrour to the former inhabitants the Brytaynes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 VVil. Malm.But Hengiſt beeing no leſſe politike in coun|ſaile than valiaunt in armes, abuſing the kings lacke of diſcretion, to ſerue his owne turne, per|ſwaded him to call out of Germanie his brother Occa and his ſonne named Ebuſa,Gal. ſayth he was Hengiſts ſonne, and E|buſa his vn|cles ſonne. Occa and E|buſa leaders of Saxons. beeing men of great valure, to the ende, that as Hengiſt defended the lande in the South parte: ſo mighte they keepe backe the Scottes in the North.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon by the Kings conſent, they came with a power out of Germanie, and coaſting a|boute the lande, they ſayled to the Iles of Ork|ney, and ſore vexed the people there, and like|wyſe the Scottes and Pictes alſo, and final|ly arriued in the North partes of the Realme, nowe called Northumberlande, where they ſet|led themſelues at that preſent, and ſo continued there euer after: but none of them taking vppon him the tytle of King,VVil. Malm. de Regib. till about .99. yeares after theyr firſt comming into that Countrey, but in the meane time remayning as ſubiects vnto the Saxon kings of Kent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After theyr arryuall in that Prouince, they oftentymes fought with the olde Inhabitaunts there, and ouercame them, chaſing away ſuch as made reſiſtance, and appeaſed the reſidue by recey|uing them vnder allegiance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Nobles of Brytayne ſaw and per|ceyued in what daunger the lande ſtoode, Fabian. The great nũ|bers of ſtraun|gers ſuſpected to the Bry|taynes. by the dayly repayre of the huge number of Saxons in|to the ſame, they firſt conſulted togither, and af|ter reſorting to the King, [...] mooued him that ſome order might be taken for the auoyding of them, on the more part of them, leaſte they ſhoulde with their power and great multitude vtterly oppreſſe the Britiſh Nation. But all was in vayne, for Vortigerne ſo eſteemed and highly fauoured the Saxons, and namely by reaſon of the great lo [...]e which he bare to his wife, that hee lyttle regar|ded his owne Nation, no nor yet anye thing e|ſteemed hys owne naturall kinneſmen and [...] friendes, [...] depriued. by reaſon wherof the Brytains in [...] depriued him of all kingly honor, after that he had raigned .xvj. yeares, and in his ſtead crowned his ſonne Vortimer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Gildas and Beda make no mention of Vor|timer,Gilda. Beda. H. [...] but declare howe after that the [...]|ons were receyued into thys lande, there was a couenaunt made betwixte them and the Brytaynes, that the Saxons ſhoulde defende the Countrey from the inuaſion of enimyes by theyr Knightly force: and that in conſide|ration thereof, the Brytaynes ſhould finde the [...] prouiſion of vy [...]ayles: wherewith they helde their contented for a time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But afterwardes they beganne to pyke qua|relles, as thoughe they were not ſufficiently fur|niſhed of their due proportion of vytayles, threat|ning that if they were not prouided more large|ly thereof, they would ſurely ſpoyle the Coun|trey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And withoute deferring time, they perfour|med their wordes with effect of deedes, beginning in the Eaſt part of the Ile, and with fire & ſword paſſed forth waſting and deſtroying the Coun|trey [figure appears here on page 114] tyll they came to the vttermoſte parte of the Weſt:The miſerable deſtruction made by the Saxons in this lande. ſo that from Sea to Sea, the lande was waſted and deſtroyed in ſuche cruell and outragious manner, that neyther Citie, towne, nor Churche was regarded, but all committed to the fyre: the Prieſtes ſlaine and murthered euen afore the Aulters, and the Prelates with the people without any reuerence of their eſtate or EEBO page image 115 degree, diſpatched with fire and ſworde, moſt la|mentably to beholde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many of the Brytaynes ſeeing the demea|nour of the Saxons, fledde to the Mountaynes, of the whiche dyuerſe beeing apprehended, were cruelly ſlaine, and other were glad to come forth and yeelde themſelues to eternall bondage, for to haue reliefe of meate and drinke to aſſwage theyr extremitie of hunger.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some other got them out of the realme in|to ſtraunge landes, ſo to ſaue themſelues, and o|thers abyding ſtill in theyr Countrey, kept them within the thicke Wooddes, and craggie Rockes, whether they were fledde, lyuing there a poore wretched lyfe, in great feare and vnquietneſſe of mynde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But after that the Saxons were departed and withdrawne to theyr houſes, the Brytaynes began to take courage to thẽ againe, iſſuing forth of thoſe places where they had lyen hid, and with one conſent calling for ayde at Gods hande, that they might bee preſerued from vtter deſtruction, they beganne vnder the conduct of theyr leader Aurelius Ambroſe, to prouoke the Saxons to battaile, and by the helpe of God they obteyned the victorie, according to theyr owne deſyres. And from thence forth, one while the Brytaynes, and an other while the Saxons were victors, ſo that in this Brytiſh people, God (according to hys accuſtomed maner) as it were preſent Iſraell, tryed them from tyme to tyme, whether they lo|ued him or no, vnto the yeare of the ſiege of Badon hill, where afterwardes no ſmall ſlaugh|ter was made of the enimies: whiche chaunced the ſame yeare in the whiche Gildas was borne, (as he himſelfe witneſſeth, [...]o Gildas was [...]orne in the feare of our Lord .493. being aboute the .xliiij. yeare after the comming of the Saxons into Brytaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus hath Gildas and alſo Beda (follo|wing by likelyhoode the authoritie of the ſame Gildas) written of theſe firſt warres begonne be|twene the Saxons and Brytains.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe to goe foorth with the Hyſtorie: according to the order of oure Chronicles, thus wee finde recorded touching the doings of Vor|timer that was elected King (as yee haue hearde) to gouerne in place of his father Vorti|gerne.

5.65. Vortimer.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 115] THis Vor|timer be|ing eldeſt ſon to Vortigern,Vorti|mer. by the com|mon aſſent of the Brytaines was made K. of Brytayne,Fabian. Galf. Mon. in the yeare of our Lorde 464.Math. Weſt. hath 454. 464 which was in the fourth yeare of the Em|perour Leo the fifth, and about the ſixth yeare of Childericus King of Fraunce, as our common account runneth, which is farre diſagreeing from that whereof William Hariſon doth ſpeake in his Chronologie, who noteth Vortigerne to be depo|ſed in the .viij. after his exaltation to the crowne, 454. of Chriſt, and .5. currant after the comming of the Saxons, which concurreth with the .4420. of the worlde. & .8. of Meroueus, as by his Chro|nologie doth more at large appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to proceed, Vortimer being thus aduan|ced to the gouernment of the realme, in all haſt made ſore warre againſt the Saxons, & gaue vn|to them a great battel vpon the riuer of Derwẽt,The riuer of Derwent. where he had of thẽ the vpper hand:Epiforde. And the ſecõd time he fought with them at a place called Epi|forde, or Agliſthorp, in which encoũter Catagrine [figure appears here on page 115] EEBO page image 116 or Catigernus the brother of Vortimer, and Horſus the brother of Hengiſt, after long com|bate betwixt them two, either of them ſlue other: [figure appears here on page 116] But the Brytaynes obteyned the fielde (as ſayth the Brytiſh hyſtorie.The Ile of Tenet.) The thirde battail Vorti|mer fought with them neare to the ſea ſide, where alſo the Brytaynes chaſed the Saxons, & droue them into the Ile of Tenet.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 H. Hunt. Colemoore. The fourth battaile was ſtryken neare to a Moore called Colemoore, the whiche was ſore fought by the Saxons, and long continued with great daunger to the Brytayns, bycauſe that the foreſayde Moore encloſed a part of their hoſt ſo ſtrongly, that the Brytaynes could not approch to them, being beaten off with the enimies ſhot, albeit in the ende the Saxons were put to flight, and many of them drowned and ſwalowed vp in the ſame Moore.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſide theſe foure principall battailes, Vor|timer had diuerſe other conflictes with the Sax|ons, Fabian. Tetfort in N [...]rffolke. Colcheſter. as in Kent and at Tetford in Norffolk, alſo neare to Colcheſter in Eſſex: for he left not till he had bereft them the more part of all ſuch poſſeſſi|ons as before time they had got, ſo that they were conſtrayned to keepe them within the Ile of Te|net, where he oftentymes aſſayled them with ſuch ſhippes as he then had.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When Ronowen the daughter of Hengiſt perceyued the great loſſe that the Saxons ſuſtey|ned by the martiall prowes of Vortimer, ſhee found meanes that within a while the ſayd Vor|timer was poyſoned, after he had ruled the Bry|tayns by the ſpace of ſixe or ſeuen yeres and odde Monethes, (as William Har. reporteth.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By the Brytiſh Hyſtorie it ſhould ſeeme that Vortimer before his death handled the Saxons ſo hardly, keeping them beſieeged within the Ile of Tenet, till at length they were conſtrayned to ſue for licence to depart home into Germanie in ſafetie: and the better to bring this to paſſe, they ſent Vortigerne (whome they had kept ſtyll with them in all theſe battayles) vnto his ſonne Vortimer, to be a meane for the obteining of their ſute. But whileſt this treatie was in hande, they got them into theyr ſhippes, and leauing theyr wyues and children behinde them, returned into Germanie. Thus farre Gal. Mon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But howe vnlikely this is to be true, I will not make any further diſcourſe, but onely referre euery man to that whiche in olde autentique Hy|ſtoriographers of the Engliſhe Nation is found recorded, as in William Malmeſ. Henrie Hunt. Marianus, and others. Vnto whome in theſe matters concerning the doings betwixt the Sax|ons and Brytaynes, we may vndoubtedly ſafe|ly giue moſt credite.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 William Malmeſ. wryting of this Vorti|mer, or Guortigerne,VVil. Mal [...] and of the warres which he made agaynſt the Saxons, varyeth in a maner altogither from Geffrey of Monmouth, as by his wordes here following ye may perceyue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Guortimer the ſonne of Vortimer (ſayth he) thinking not good long to diſſemble the matter, for that he ſawe himſelfe and his Countreymen the Brytayns preuented by the craft of the Eng|liſhe Saxons, ſetteth his full purpoſe to dryue them out of the Realme, and kyndleth his father to the like attempt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He being therefore the Authour and procurer, ſeuen yeares after their firſt comming into thy [...] land, the league was broken, and by the ſpace of xx. yeres they fought oftentymes togither in ma|ny light encounters, but foure times they fought puiſſance agaynſte puiſſaunce in open fielde: in the firſt battayle they departed with like fortune,

Hengiſt had the victorie this battaile ſayth R [...]ll [...] 458

Hors and Ca+tegerne [...]

whileſt the one part, that is to meane, the Sax|ons, loſt their Captain Hors that was brother to Hengiſt, and the Brytaynes loſt Categerne, an other of Vortigernes ſonnes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the other battails, when the Engliſhmen went euer away with the vpper hand, at length a peace was concluded, Guortimer being taken out of this worlde by courſe of fatall death, the which muche differing from the ſofte and milde nature of his father, right nobly would haue gouerned the realme, if God had ſuffred him to haue liued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But theſe battailes which Vortimer gaue to the Saxons (as before is mentioned) ſhould ap|peare by that which ſome wryters haue recorded, to haue chaũced before the ſuppoſed time of Vor|timers or Guortimers atteyning to the crowne, about the ſixt or ſeuenth yeare after the firſt com|ming of the Saxons into this realme with Hen|giſt. And hereunto William Hariſon giueth his conſent alſo in his Chronologie, referring the mutuall ſlaughter of Horſus and Cati|gerne, to the ſixth yeare of Martianus, and .455. of Chriſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Howbeit Pol: Virg. ſayth,Polidor. that Vortimer ſuc|ceded his father, and that after his fathers deceaſſe EEBO page image 117 the Engliſh Saxons, of whom there was a great number as then in the Ile, comming ouer dayly like ſwarmes of Bees, and hauing in poſſeſſion not onely Kent, but alſo the North partes of the Realme towardes Scotlande, togither with a great part of the weſt Countrey, thought it now a fit tyme to attempt the fortune of warre: and firſt therfore concluding a league with the Scots and Picts, vpon the ſodaine they turne their wea|pon poynts agaynſt the Brytaines, and moſte cruelly purſue them, as though they had receyued ſome great iniurie at their handes, and no benefit at all. The Brytaynes were marueylouſly aba|ſhed herewith, perceyuing that they ſhoulde haue to do with Hengiſt, a captain of ſo high renowm, and alſo with their auncient enimies the Scottes and Pictes, thus all at one time, and that there was no remedie but eyther they muſt fight or elſe become ſlaues. Wherfore at length dread of bon|dage ſtyrred vp manhood in them, ſo that they aſ|ſembled togither, and boldly began to reſiſt theyr enimies on ech ſide: but beeing too weake,The Brytaynes diſcomfited by the Saxons. they were eaſily diſcomfited and put to flight, ſo that all hope of defence by force of armes being vtter|ly taken awaye, as menne in diſpayre to preuaile agaynſt theyr enimyes, they fled as ſheepe ſcat|tered [figure appears here on page 117] abroade, ſome following one Captaine and ſome another, getting them into deſart places, wooddes, and marriſh groundes, and moreouer left ſuch townes and fortreſſes as were of no no|table ſtrength, as a pray vnto their enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus hath Polidore Virgile of the firſt brea|king of the warres betwixt the Saxons and Bri|tayns, which chaunced not (as ſhould appeare by that which he wryteth thereof,) till after the death of Vortigerne. Howbeit he denieth not ye Hengiſt at his firſt comming got ſeates for him and hys people within the Country of Kent, and there be|gan to inhabite.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This ought not to bee forgotten, that king Vortimer (as Sigebertus hath written) reſtored the chriſtian religion after he had vanquiſhed the Saxons, [...]gebertus. in ſuch places where the ſame was de|cayed by the enimies inuaſion.

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