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5.47. Guiderius.Guide|rius.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 47] GViderius ye firſte ſon of Kymbaline (of whome Harri|ſon ſayeth no|thing,From hence|forth yee ſhall finde the yere of the Lord in the margente.) beganne his raigne in ye ſeuententh yere after the incar|natiõ of Chriſt. This Guider|us being a man of ſtout courage, gaue occaſiõ of breach of peace betwixt the Britaynes and Ro|maynes, denying to pay the tribute, and procu|ring the people to [...] inſurrections, the whyche by one meane or other made open rebellion,Caligula. as Gildas hath. Wherevpon, the Emperour Cali|gula (as ſome thinke,) tooke occaſion to leauie a power, and as one vtterly miſliking the negli|gence (as he called it) of Auguſtus & Tiberius his predeceſſors, he meant not only to reduce the I|land vnto the former ſubiection, but alſo to ſearch out the vttermoſt boundes thereof, to the behoofe of himſelfe, and of the Romayne Monarchie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Greate prouiſion therefore was made by the ſayde Caligula to performe that noble enter|priſe, and this was in the fourth yeare of hys raigne. The lyke preparation was made on the other ſide by Guiderius, to reſiſt the forayne ene|mies, ſo that hauing all things in a readineſſe, he ceaſſed not dayly to looke for the comming of the Emperour, whome hee meante to receyue with harde entertaynemente if hee durſt aduenture to ſet towarde Britayne. But ſee the ſequeale: the mayne army beeyng thus in a readineſſe,Dion Caſsius. lib. 59. de|parteth from Rome in the .79. yeare after the buylding of the Citie, and marching foorthe, [figure appears here on page 47] EEBO page image 48 at length commeth to the Belgique ſhore, from whence they mighte looke ouer, and beholde the cliffes and coaſt of Britaine, whiche Caligula & his men ſtood gaſing vpõ with great admiratiõ & wonder. Furthermore he cauſed them to ſtand in battel array vpon the coaſt, where he heard, howe the Britaynes were in a redineſſe to withſtande his entrãce: but he entring into his galley, as no|thing diſcouraged wt theſe newes, rowed a flight ſhot or two from the ſhore, and foorthwith retur|ned, & then going vp into an high place like a pul|pet, framed & ſet vp there for the nonce, he gaue ye token to fight vnto his ſouldiers by ſound of trũ|pet, and therewith was each man charged to ga|ther cockle ſhels vpõ the ſhore, which he called the ſpoyle of the Ocean,The ſpoyle of the Ocean. and cauſed them to be layde vp vntill a time cõueniente. With the atchieuing of this exployt (as hauing none other wherewith to beautifie his triumph) he ſeemed greatly exal|ted, thinking that now he had ſubdued the whole Ocean, and therefore highly rewarded his ſoul|diers for their paynes ſuſteyned in that collection of tockle ſhelles, as if they had done him ſome no|table peece of ſeruice. He alſo carried of the ſame ſhelles with him to Rome, to the ende he myghte there boaſt of his voyage, and bragge how well he had ſped: and required therefore very earneſtly to haue a triumph decreede vnto him for the ac|compliſhment of this enterpriſe. But whẽ he ſaw ſhe Senate grudge at the free and liberall graun|ting of a grace in that behalfe, and perceiued how they refuſed to attribute deuine honors vnto him, in recompence of ſo fooliſh an enterpriſe, it wan|ted little that he had not ſlayne them euery one. From thence therefore he wente vp into a throne or royall ſeate, and calling therewith the commõ people about him, he tolde them a long tale what aduentures had chanced to him in his conqueſt of the Ocean, and when hee perceyued them to ſhoute and crie, as if they had conſented that hee ſhould haue bin a God for this his greate trauell and valiant prowes, he to increaſe their clamour, cauſed great quantities of golde and ſiluer to bee ſcattered amongſt them, in the gathering where|of, many were preſſed to deathe, and diuers alſo ſtayne with ye inuenomed caltrops of iron, which he did caſt out with the ſayd money, of purpoſe to doe miſchiefe, the ſame caltrops beeing in forme ſmall and ſharp, ſo that by reaſon of the preaſſe of people, muche hurte was done by them ere they were perceyued. And this was the ende of the ri|diculous voyage of Caligula attempted againſt the Britaynes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But after the death of this Caligula,Suetonius. the Em|peroure Claudius (as Suetonius hath,) moued warre againſt the Britaynes, bycauſe of a ſturre and Rebellion reyſed in that lande, for that ſuche fugitiues as were fled from thence, were not a|gaine reſtored when requeſt was made for the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Dion Caſſius writeth, how one Beri [...]us,Dion [...] be|ing expelled out of Britayne, perſwaded ye Em|peroure Claudius to take the warre in hande at this time againſt the Britaynes, ſo that [...] Au|lus Plautius a Senator, and as then Preior, was appoynted to take the army that ſoiourned in Fraunce then called Gallia, and to paſſe ouer with the ſame into Britayne. The Souldyers hearing of thys voyage, were loth to goe with him, as men not willing to make warre in ano|ther worlde: and therefore delayed tyme, till at length one Narciſſus was ſente from Claudius (as it were) to appeaſe ye ſouldiers, & procure thẽ to ſet forward. But whẽ this Narciſſus wẽt vp into the tribunal throne of Plautius, to declare ye cauſe of his comming, ye Souldiers taking great indignation therewith cried, O Saturnalia, as if they ſhould haue celebrated their feaſt day ſo cal|led. When the ſeruants apparrelled in their mai|ſters robes, repreſented the roomth of their mai|ſters, and were ſerued by them, as if they hadde bin their ſeruants, and thus at length conſtrey|ned through very ſhame, they agreed to followe Plautius. Herevpon being embarqued, he deui|ded his nauie into three partes, in the ende, that if they were kept off from arriuing in one place, yet they might take land in another. The Shippes ſuffered ſome impeachment in their paſſage by a contrary winde that droue them backe againe: but yet the Marriners and men of warre takyng good courages vnto them, the rather bicauſe there was ſerue a fyery leame to ſhoote out of the Eaſt towardes the Weſt, which way their courſe lay, made forwarde againe with their Shippes, and landed without finding anye reſiſtaunce. For [figure appears here on page 48] the Britaynes looked not for their comming: wherefore, when they hearde howe their enimies were a lande, they gote them into the Wooddes and mariſſes, truſting that by l [...]ngering of tyme EEBO page image 49 the Romaynes would be conſtreyned to departe, as it had chanced in time paſt to Iulius Ceſar aforeſayd.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Plautius therefore had muche adoe to fynde them out, but after hee had found them, [...] hee vanquiſhed Cataratacus, and after Tog [...]dum|nus the ſonnes of Cynobellinus: for theyr father was dead not very long before. [...]. Theſe therefore fleeing their wayes, Plautius receyued parte of the people called Bodumni (which were ſubiects vnto them that were called Catuellani) into the obeyſance of the Romaynes: [...]ellani. and ſo leauing there a garriſon of Souldiers, he paſſed further till hee came to a riuer whiche coulde not well be paſſed without a bridge: wherevppon the Britaynes tooke ſmall regard to defend ye paſſage, as though they had bin [...]re inough. Put Pl [...]ntius [...] in|ted a dertai [...]e [...] of Germay [...] whyche he had there with him. (being vſed [...], although neuer ſo ſwift) to get ouer, whi|che they did, ſleaing & wounding the Britaynes Horſes whiche were faſtned to that w [...]ggens or Cha [...]rets, ſo that the Britaynes were not a|ble to doe anye peece of their accuſtomed ſeruice with the [...]ame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He [...]rewith alſo was [...] (that afterwards was Emperour) with his bro|ther S [...]inus [...] ouer that riuer, which beeyng gote to the further ſide, flewe a greate number of the enimies. The reſ [...]re of the Britaynes fled, but the nexte daye proffered [...] battell, in the which they alſo fought ſo ſtoutly, that the victo|ry [figure appears here on page 49] depended long in doubtfull ballance, till C. Sidius Geta being almoſt at poynt to be taken, did ſo handle the matter, that the Britaynes fi|nally were put to flight: for the whiche his vali|ant doings, triumphante honors were beſtowed vpon him although he was no Conſul.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Britaynes after this Battell, withdrew to the Riuer of Thames, nere to the place where it falleth into the Sea, and knowing the [...]l|lowes and firme places thereof, eaſily paſſed o|uer to the further ſide, whome the Romanes fol|lowing through lacke of knowledge in the na|ture of the places, they fel into ye mar [...]e groũds, and ſo came to loſe many of their men, namely of the Germaynes, which were the firſt that paſ|ſed ouer the Riuer to follow the Britaines, part|ly by a bridge whiche lay within the countrey ouer the ſayde Riuer, and partly by ſwimming, and other ſuch ſhift as they preſently made. The Britaynes hauing loſt one of theyr Rulers,Togodu [...]| [...]us. that is to witte, Togodumnus, of whome yet haue hearde before, were nothing diſcoraged, but ra|ther the more egrely ſet on reuenge. Plautius perceyuing their fierceneſſe, went no further, but ſtayed and placed garriſons in ſteedes, where neede required, to keepe thoſe places whiche hee had gotten, and with al ſpeede ſent aduertiſemẽt vnto Claudius, accordingly to that he hadde in commaundement, if any vrgent neceſſitie ſhould ſo moue him. Claudius therefore hauing all things before hand in a readinesse, streightwayes vpon the receyuing of the aduertisement, departed from Rome, and came by water vnto Ostia, and from thence vnto Massilia, & so through Fraunce, sped his iourneys till hee came to ye side of the Occean sea, and then embarquing hymselfe with his people, passed ouer into Britaine, & came to his army which abode his co(m)ing neere to ye Thames side, where being ioined, they passed the Riuer agayne, fought with the Britaines in a pight fielde, and getting the victory, toke the towne of Camalodunum, whiche was the chiefest Citie apperteyning vnto Cynobelinus. Hee reduced also many other people into his subiection, some by force, and some by surrender, wherof he was called oftentimes by the name of Emperour, which was against the ordinance of ye Romanes: for it was not lawfull to any to take yt name vppon him, oftner than once in any one voyage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, Claudius tooke from the Bri|taynes their armor and weapons, and commit|ted the gouernement of them vnto Plautius, cõ|maunding him to endeuor himſelfe to ſubdue the reſidue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus hauing broughte vnder a parte of Britayne,Dion Caſsius. and hauing made his abode therein not paſt a ſixteene dayes, he departed, and came backe agayne to Rome with victory in ye ſixth moneth after his ſetting foorth from thence,Suetonius. gy|uing after his returne, to his ſon, the ſurname of Britannicus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 50This warre he finiſhed, in manner as before is ſayd, in the fourth yeare of his raigne, whyche fell in the yeare of the worlde .4011. and after the birth of our Sauioure .44. after the building of Rome .79.44

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There be that write, how Claudius ſubdu|ed and added to the Romaine Empire, the Iſles of Orkney, ſituate in the North Ocean beyonde Britayne, which might well be brought to paſſe eyther by Plautius, or ſome other his Lieute|nant: for Plautius indeede for his noble prowes and valiant actes atchieued in Britayne, after|wards triumphed. Titus the ſonne of Veſpaſian alſo wanne no ſmall prayſe for deliuering hys father out of daunger in his time, beeing be ſette with a company of Britaynes, whiche the ſayde Titus bare downe and put to flight with greate ſlaughter. Beda following ye authoritie of Sue|tonius, writeth briefly of this matter, and ſayth, that Claudius paſſing ouer into this Iſle, to the whiche neyther before Iulius Ceſar, nor after him any ſtraunger durſt come, within few days receyued the moſt part of the countrey into hys ſubiection without battell or bloudſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Gildas alſo writing of this reuolting of the Britaynes, ſayth thus, when information there|of was gyuen to the Senate, and that haſt was made with a ſpeedy army to reuenge the ſame, there was no warlike nauie prepared in the Sea to fyghte valiantly for defence of the countrey, no ſquare battell, no right wing, nor any other prouiſion appoynted on the ſhore to bee ſeene, but the backes of the Britaynes in ſteade of a ſhielde are ſhewed to the perſecuters, and their neckes ready to bee cutte off with the ſworde through [...] feare running through their bo [...]ies, whi|che ſtretched foorth their handes to be bound like womanly creatures, ſo that a common Pro|uerbe followed thereof, whiche was commonly vſed and ſpoken, that the Britaynes were ney|ther valiant in warre, nor faythfull in peace: and ſo the Romaynes ſleaing many of the Rebelles, reſeruing ſome, and bringing them to bondage, that the lande ſhoulde not lye altogither vntilled and deſert, returned into Italy out of that lande which was voyde of wine and oile, leauing ſome of their men there for gouernors to chaſtiſe the people, not ſo muche with an army of men, as with ſcourge and whippe, and if the matter ſo required, to apply the naked ſworde vnto theyr ſydes: ſo that it might be accompted Rome and not Britayne. And what coigne eyther of braſſe, ſiluer, or golde there was, the ſame to be ſtamped with the Image of the Emperoure. Thus farre Gildas.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the Brittiſh hiſtorie we finde other report as thus,Gal. M [...]. Mat. VV [...] that Claudius at his comming a lande at Porcheſter, beſieged that towne, to the reſhew [figure appears here on page 50] whereof came Guinderius, and giuing battell to the Romaynes, put them to the woorſe, till at length, one Hamo, beeyng on the Romaynes ſyde, chaunged hys ſhielde and armoure, appar|rellyng hymſelfe lyke to a Britayne, and ſo en|tring into the thickeſt preaſſe of the Brittiſhe hoſt, came at length to the place where the King was, and there ſlewe him. But Aruiragus per|ceyuing this miſchiefe, to the ende the Brytaines ſhoulde not be diſcouraged therewith, he cauſed himſelfe to be adorned with the Kings coate ar|mour, and other abiliments, and ſo as Kyng continued the fight with ſuch manhood, that the Romaynes were put to flighte. Claudius f [...]e|ing backe to hys Shippes, and Hamo to the nexte Wooddes, whome Aruiragus pur|ſued, and at length droue hym vnto the Sea ſyde, and there ſlewe hym ere hee coulde take EEBO page image 51 Hamo to the [...] wooddes, whome Aruiragus purſued, and at length, droue him vnto the Sea ſide, and there ſlewe hym ere hee coulde take the hauen which was there at hand, ſo that the ſame hauen tooke name of hym, and was called long tyme after Hamons hauen, and at lẽgth by corruption of ſpeeche, it was called Hampton, and ſo continueth vnto thys day commonly called Southampton.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus haue you hearde howe Guyderius or Guinderius (whether you will) came to his ende, which chanced (as ſome write) in the .28. yeare of his raigne.

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3.19. Of Guiderius, who denied to paie tri|bute to the Romans, preparation for war on both sides, of the ridiculous voiage of the Emperour Caligula against the Britains, his vanitie and delight in mischiefe: Aulus Plautius a Romane senator accompanied with souldiers arriue on the British coasts without resistance, the Britains take flight and hide themselues. The xix. Chapter.

Of Guiderius, who denied to paie tri|bute to the Romans, preparation for war on both sides, of the ridiculous voiage of the Emperour Caligula against the Britains, his vanitie and delight in mischiefe: Aulus Plautius a Romane senator accompanied with souldiers arriue on the British coasts without resistance, the Britains take flight and hide themselues. The xix. Chapter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _GUiderius the first sonne of Kymbeline (of whom Harison saieth nothing) began his reigne in the seuententh yeere after th'incarnation of Christ. This Guiderius being a man of stout courage,Guideri|us. gaue occasi|on of breach of peace betwixt the Britains and Romans, denieng to paie them tri|bute, and procuring the people to new insurrections, which by one meane or other made open rebellion, as Gyldas saith.Caligula. Wherevpon the emperour Caligula (as some thinke) tooke occasion to leauie a power, and as one vtterlie misliking the negligence (as he called it) of Augustus and Tiberius his predeces|sors, he ment not onlie to reduce the Iland vnto the former subiection, but also to search out the vttermost bounds thereof, to the behoofe of himselfe, and of the Romane monarchie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Great prouision therefore was made by the said Caligula to performe that noble enterprise, and this was in the fourth yeere of his reigne. The like prepa|ration was made on the other side by Guiderius, to resist the forren enimies, so that hauing all things in a readinesse, he ceassed not dailie to looke for the com|ming of the emperour, whome he ment to receiue with hard enterteinment if he durst aduenture to set toward Britaine.Dion Cassius lib. 59. But see the sequele: the maine armie being thus in a readinesse, departed from Rome in the 79 yeere after the building of the citie, and marching foorth, at length came vnto the Bel|gike shore, from whence they might looke ouer, and behold the cliffes and coast of Britaine, which Cali|gula and his men stood gazing vpon with great ad|miration and woonder.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Furthermore he caused them to stand in battell arraie vpon the coast, where be heard how the Bri|tains were in a redinesse to withstand his entrance. But entring into his gallie, as nothing discoura|ged with these newes, he rowed a flight shot or two from the shore, and forthwith returned, and then go|ing vp into an high place like a pulpit, framed and set vp there for the nonce, he gaue the token to fight vnto his souldiers by sound of trumpet, and there|with was ech man charged to gather cockle shells vpon the shore, which he called the spoile of the Oce|an, and caused them to be laid vp vntill a time con|uenient.The spoile of the Ocean. With the atchiuing of this exploit (as ha|uing none other wherewith to beautifie his triumph) he séemed greatlie exalted, thinking that now he had subdued the whole Ocean, and therefore highlie re|warded his souldiers for their paines susteined in that collection of cockle shells, as if they had doone him some notable péece of seruice. He also caried of the same shells with him to Rome, to the end he might there boast of his voyage, and brag how well he had sped: and required therefore verie earnestlie of haue a triumph decreed vnto him for the accom|plishment of this enterprise.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But when he saw the senat grudge at the free & li|berall granting of a grace in that behalfe, and per|ceiued how they refused to attribute diuine honors vnto him, in recompense of so foolish an enterprise, it wanted little that he had not slaine them euerie one. From thence therefore he went vp into a throne or royall seate, and calling therewith the common people about him, he told them a long tale what ad|uentures had chanced to him in his conquest of the Ocean. And when he had perceiued them to shout and crie, as if they had consented that he should haue béene a god for this his great trauell and valiant prowesse, he to increase their clamour, caused great quantities of gold & siluer to be scattered amongst them, in the gathering whereof, manie were pres|sed to death, and diuers also slaine with the inueno|med caltrops of iron, which he did cast out with the same monie, of purpose to doo mischiefe, the same caltrops being in forme small & sharp, so that by rea|son of the prease of people, much hurt was doone by them yer they were perceiued. And this was the end of the ridiculous voiage of Caligula attempted against the Britains.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But after the death of this Caligula,Suetonius. the empe|rour Claudius (as Suetonius saith) moued warre against the Britains, because of a sturre and rebel|lion raised in that land, for that such fugitiues as EEBO page image 34 were fled from thence, were not againe restored when request was made for the same.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Dion Cassius writeth,Dion Cassius. that one Bericus, being expelled out of Britaine, persuaded the emperour Claudius to take the warre in hand at this time a|gainst the Britains, so that one Aulus Plautius a senatour, and as then pretor, was appointed to take the armie that soiourned in France then called Gal|lia, and to passe ouer with the same into Britaine. The souldiers hearing of this voiage, were loth to go with him, as men not willing to make warre in another world: and therefore delaied time, till at length one Narcissus was sent from Claudius, as it were to appease the souldiers, & procure them to set forward. But when this Narcissus went vp into the tribunall throne of Plautius, to declare the cause of his comming, the souldiers taking great indignation therewith cried, O Saturnalia, as if they should haue celebrated their feast daie so called.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 When the seruants apparelled in their maisters robes, represented the roome of their maisters, and were serued by them, as if they had béene their ser|uants, and thus at length constreined, through verie shame, they agréed to follow Plautius. Herevpon being embarked, he diuided his nauie into thrée parts, to the end that if they were kept off from ar|riuing in one place, yet they might take land in ano|ther. The ships suffered some impeachment in their passage by a contrarie wind that droue them backe againe: but yet the marriners and men of warre taking good courage vnto them, the rather because there was séene a fierie leame to shoot out of the east towards the west, which way their course lay, made forwards againe with their ships, and landed without finding anie resistance. For the Bri|tains looked not for their comming: wherefore, when they heard how their enimies were on land, they got them into the woods and marishes, trusting that by lingering of time the Romans would be constrei|ned to depart, as it had chanced in time past to Iu|lius Cesar aforesaid.

The end of the third booke.