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5.42. Elidurus the thirde time.

Elidurus the thirde time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 ELidurus then as ſoone as his brother Peridu|rus was dead, for as muche as hee was nexte heyre to the crowne, was deliuered out of pryſon, and now the thirde tyme admitted king of Bry|tayne, who vſed himſelfe (as before) very orderly in miniſtring to all perſons right and iuſtice all the dayes of his life, and laſtly beeing growne to great age dyed, when he had raigned nowe thys thirde tyme, (after moſt concordance of writers) the tearme of foure yeares: and was buryed at Carle [...]ll.He is buried at Carloil.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 HEre is to be noted, that euen from the begin|ning of the Brytiſh kings,The diuerſitie of wryters in the account of yeares. whiche raigned here in this lande, there is great diuerſitie amõgſt wryters, both touching the names, and alſo the tymes of theyr raignes, ſpecially till they come to the death of the laſt mentioned king Elidurus. Inſomuch that Polydor Vergile in his Hyſtorie of Englande,Polidor. finding a manifeſt error (as he ta|keth it) in thoſe wryters whom he followeth tou|ching the account, from the comming of Brute, vnto the ſacking of Rome by Brennus, whome our hyſtories affyrme to be the brother of Beline, that to fill vp the number whiche is wanting in the reckening of the yeares of thoſe Kings which raigned after Brute, tyll the dayes of the ſame Brenne and Beline, he thought good to chaunge the order, leaſt one error ſhould follow an other, and ſo of one error making many, he hath placed thoſe kings whiche after other wryters ſhoulde ſeeme to followe Brenne and Beline, betwixte Dunuallo and Mulmutius, father to the ſayde Beline and Brenne, and thoſe fiue kings whiche ſtroue for the gouernment after the deceaſe of the two brethren, Ferrex, and Porrex, putting Guin|toline to ſucceede after the fiue kings or rulers, and after Guintoline his wife Martia during the minoritie of hir ſonne, then hir ſayde ſonne na|med Sicilius. After him theſe whoſe names fol|low in order, Chimarius, Danius, Moruidius, Corbonianus, Archigallo, who beeing depoſed, Elidurus was made king, and ſo continued till he reſtored the gouernment (as ye haue heard) to Archigallo againe, and after his death Elidurus was eftſoones admitted, and within a while a|gaine depoſed by Vigenius & Peridurus, & after theyr deceaſſes, the thirde time reſtored. Then af|ter his deceaſe, followed ſucceſſiuely Reginus, Morganus, Ennanus, Iduuallo, Rimo, E [...]run|tius, Catellus, Coillus, Porrex the ſecond of that name, Cherinus, Fulgẽtius, Eldalus, Androge|us, Vrianus, and Eliud, after whom ſhould fol|low Dũuallo Molmutius, as in his proper place, if the order of things done, and the courſe of tyme ſhould be obſerued, as Polidore gathereth by the account of yeares attributed to thoſe kings that raigned before and after Dunuallo, according to thoſe Authours whom (as I ſayde) he followeth, if they will that Brennus which led the Gau [...]es to Rome, be the ſame that was ſonne to the ſayd Dunuallo Molmutius, and brother to Beline.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But ſithe other haue in better order brought out a perfite agreement in the account of yeares and ſucceſſion of thoſe kings, which raigned and gouerned here in this lande before the ſacking of Rome, and alſo another ſuche as it is after the ſame, and before the Romaines had anye perfite knowledge thereof, we haue thought good to fol|low them therein, leauing to euery man his li|bertie to iudge as his knowledge ſhall ſerue him in a thing ſo doubtfull and vncertaine, by reaſon of variaunce amongeſt the auncient wryters in that behalfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And euen as there is great difference in wry|ters ſince Gurguntius, till the death of Elidurus, ſo is there as great or rather greater after his de|ceaſſe, ſpecially till king Lud atteyned the king|dome.Fabian But as may be gathered by that whiche Fabian and other whom he followeth doe wryte, there paſſed aboue .185. yeares, betwixt the laſte yere of Elidurus, and the beginning of king Lud his raigne, in the which time there raigned xxxij. or .xxxiij. kings, as ſome writers haue mẽtioned, whoſe names (as Gal. Mon. hath recorded) are theſe: Regny the ſonne of Gorbolyan or Gorbo|nian, a worthie Prince, both iuſtly and merci|fully gouerned his people. Then Margan the ſonne of Archigallo a noble Prince likewiſe, and guiding his ſubiects in good quiet. Emerian bro|ther to the ſame Margan, but farre vnlike to him in maners, ſo that he was depoſed in the ſixt yere of his raigne. Ydwallo ſonne to Vigenius. Ri|mo the ſonne of Peridurus. Geruntius the ſonne of Elidurus. Then Catell that was buried at Wincheſter. Coill that was buried at Noting|ham. Porrex a vertuous and moſt gentle prince. Cherinus a Drunkerd. Then Fulginius, Eldad, and Androgius: theſe three were ſonnes to Cher|cinus, and raigned ſucceſſiuely one after another. EEBO page image 33 After them a ſonne of Androgeus. [...]anus. Then Eliud, Dedaicus, Clotinius, Gurguntius, Meri [...]nns, Bledius, Cop, Owen, Sicilius, Blegahredus an excellẽt Muſitiã. After him his brother Archema|il. Then Eldol, Red, Rodieck, Samuil, Peniſel, Pir, Capoir. And after him his ſon Gligweill an vpright dealing prince, & a good in [...]ticiarie. After whõ ſucceeded his ſonne Hely, which raigned .lx. yeres, as the foreſaid Gal. Mon. writeth, where o|ther affyrme that he raigned .xl. yeares, & ſ [...]me a|gaine ſay that he raigned but .vij. moneths.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Such diuerſitie is there in writers touching the raignes of theſe kings, and not only for the nũber of yeres which they ſhuld cõtinue in their raignes but alſo in their names: ſo that to ſhew the diuer|ſitie of all the writers, were but to ſmall purpoſe, ſith the doings of the ſame kings were not great by report made thereof by any approued author. But this maye ſuffice to aduertiſe you, that by conferring the yeres attributed to the other kings which raigned before them ſith the comming of Brute, who ſhoulde enter this lande (as by the beſt writers it is gathered) about the yeare before the building of Rome, 367. which was in the yere after the creation of the world .2850. (as is ſayde) with their time there remaineth .182. yeares to bee dealt amongſt theſe .xxxiij. kings, which raigned betwixt the ſaid Elidure and Lud, which Lud al|ſo began his raigne after the building of the citie of Rome (as writers affyrme) about .67 [...]. yeres, & in ye yere of the world 3895. as William Hariſõ hath ſet it downe in the exquiſite Chronologie whiche he hath gathered frõ the creation of Adam, wher|in he ſheweth a large diſcourſe of moſte things worthy remembrance, don ſince the world began, as may appeare hereafter, if euer it come to light, and the hugenes therof & coſt to be beſtowed ther|vpon, do not hinder the printing of the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Polidore Vergil changing (as I haue ſhewed) the order of ſucceſſion in the Brytiſhe Kings, in bringing diuerſe of thoſe kings which after other writers followed Beline and Brenne, to preceed them ſo ſucceſſiuely after Beline & Brenne, he re|herſeth thoſe that by his cõiecture did by likelihood ſucceed, as thus. After the deceaſſe of Beline, his ſon Gurguntius, being the ſecond of that name ſucceeded in gouernment of the land, & then theſe in order as they followe: Merianus, Bladanus, Cap [...]us, Oninus, Silius, Bledgabredus, Arche|malus, Eldolus, Rodianus, Redargius, Samu|lius, Peniſellus, Pyrrhus, Caporus, Dinellus, & Hely, who had iſſue, Lud, Caſſibellane, & Neuri|us. But to leaue the diuerſitie of writers to the iudgement of the readers in ſuch vncertaynties where an vndoubted truth may hardly be auon|ched, & more hardly approued, we wil not further ſtand vpon theſe doubts, but proceed with the hy|ſtorie. Mary this is not to be forgottẽ, yt of ye fore|ſaid Hely ye laſt of the ſaid .xxxiij. kings, the Ile of Ely tooke the name, bicauſe that he moſt cõmon|ly did there inhabite, building in the ſame a goodly palace, & making great reparations of the ſ [...]uy [...]es, ditches & cawſies about that Ile, for cõueiance a|way of the water, ye els would ſore haue endoma|ged the countrey. There be that haue mainteined that this Ile ſhould rather take name of the great abundance of Ecles that are found in thoſe wa|ters and fennes wherwith this Ile is enuironed. But Humfrey Llhuid holdeth, that it tooke name of this Brytiſh worde Helig, whiche ſignifieth Willowes, wherewith thoſe fennes abound.

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3.8. A Chapter of digression, shewing the diuersitie of writers in opinion, touching the computation of yeares from the beginning of the British kings of this Iland downewards; since Gurguintus time, till the death of Elidurus; and likewise till king Lud reigned in his roialtie, with the names of such kings as ruled be|tweene the last yeare of Elidurus, and the first of Lud. The eight Chapter.

EEBO page image 22

A Chapter of digression, shewing the diuersitie of writers in opinion, touching the computation of yeares from the beginning of the British kings of this Iland downewards; since Gurguintus time, till the death of Elidurus; and likewise till king Lud reigned in his roialtie, with the names of such kings as ruled be|tweene the last yeare of Elidurus, and the first of Lud. The eight Chapter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _HEre is to be noted, that euen from the beginning of the British kings, which reig|ned here in this land, there is great diuersitie amongest writers, both touching the names, and also the times of their reignes, speciallie till they come to the death of the last mentioned king Elidurus.Polydor. Insomuch that Polydor Virgil in his historie of England, finding a manifest error (as he taketh it) in those writers whome he followeth tou|ching the account, from the comming of Brute, vnto the sacking of Rome by Brennus, whome our histo|ries affirme to be the brother of Beline, that to fill vp the number which is wanting in the reckoning of the yeares of those kings which reigned after Brute, till the daies of the same Brenne & Beline, he thought good to change the order, least one error should follow an other, and so of one error making manie, he hath placed those kings which after other writers should séeme to follow Brenne and Beline, betwixt Dun|uallo and Mulmucius, father to the said Beline and Brenne, and those fiue kings which stroue for the go|uernement after the deceasse of the two brethren, Ferrex and Porrex, putting Guintoline to succéed after the fiue kings or rulers, and after Guintoline his wife Martia, during the minoritie of hir sonne, then hir said sonne named Sicilius.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After him succéeded these whose names follow in or|der, Chimarius, Danius, Morindus, Gorbonianus, Archigallo, who being deposed, Elidurus was made king, and so continued till he restored the gouerne|ment (as ye haue heard) to Archigallo againe, and after his death Elidurus was eftsoones admitted, and within a while againe deposed by Uigenius and Peredurus, and after their deceasses the third time restored. Then after his deceasse followed successiue|lie Ueginus, Morganus, Ennanus, Idunallo, Ri|mo, Geruntins, Catellus, Coilus, Porrex the second of that name, Cherinus, Fulgentius, Eldalus, An|drogeus, Urianus and Eliud, after whom should fol|low Dunuallow Molmucius, as in his proper place, if the order of things doone & the course of time should be obserued, as Polydor gathereth by the account of yeares attributed to those kings that reigned before and after Dunuallo, according to those authours whom (as I said) he followeth, if they will that Bren|nus which led the Galles to Rome be the same that was sonne to the said Dunuallo Mulmucius, and brother to Beline.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But sith other haue in better order brought out a perfect agréement in the account of yeares, and suc|cession of those kings, which reigned and gouerned in this land before the sacking of Rome; and also a|nother such as it is after the same, and before the Ro|mans had anie perfect knowledge thereof; we haue thought good to follow them therein, leauing to eue|rie man his libertie to iudge as his knowledge shall serue him in a thing so doubtfull and vncerteine, by reason of variance amongst the ancient writers in that behalfe.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 And euen as there is great difference in writers since Gurguintus, till the death of Elidurus, so is there as great or rather greater after his deceasse, speciallie till king Lud atteined the kingdome. But as maie be gathered by that which Fabian and other whome he followeth doo write,Fabian there passed aboue 185 yeares betwixt the last yeare of Elidurus, and the beginning of king Lud his reigne, in the which time there reigned 32, or 33, kings, as some wri|ters haue mentioned, whose names (as Gal. Mon. hath recorded) are th [...]se immediatlie héere named; Reg [...] the sonne of Gorbolian or Gorbonian, a worthie prince, who iustlie and mercifullie gouer|ned his people; Margan the sonne of Archigallo a noble prince likewise, and guiding his subiects in good quiet; Emerian brother to the same Margan, but far vnlike to him in maners, so that he was de|posed in the sixt yeare of his reigne; Ydwallo sonne to Uigenius; Rimo the sonne of Peredurus; Ge|runtius the sonne of Elidurus; Catell that was bu|ried at Winchester; Coill that was buried at Not|tingham; Porrex a vertuous and most gentle prince; Cherinus a drunkard; Fulginius, Eldad, and Androgeus; these thrée were sonnes to Cherci|nus, and reigned successiuelie one after another; after them a sonne of Androgeus; then Eliud,Vrianus. De|daicus, Clotinius, Gurguntius, Merianns, Ble|dius, Cop, Owen, Sicilius, Bledgabredus an ex|cellent musician: after him his brother Archemall; then Eldol, Red, Rodiecke, Samuill, Penisell, Pir, Capoir; after him his sonne Gligweil an vpright dealing prince, and a good iusticiarie; whom succee|ded his sonne Helie, which reigned 60 yeares, as the forsaid Gal. Mon. writeth, where other affirme that he reigned 40 yeares, and some againe say that he reigned but 7 moneths.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 There is great diuersitie in writers touching the reignes of these kings, and not onlie for the number of yéeres which they should continue in their reignes but also in their names: so that to shew the diuersi|tie of all the writers, were but to small purpose, sith the dooings of the same kings were not great by re|port made thereof by any approoued author. But this maie suffice to aduertise you, that by conferring the yéeres attributed to the other kings which reigned before them, since the comming of Brute, who should enter this land (as by the best writers is gathered) a|bout the yéere before the building of Rome 367, which was in the yéere after the creation of the world 2850 (as is said) with their time, there remaineth 182 yéeres to be dealt amongst these 33 kings, which reigned betwixt the said Elidure & Lud, which Lud also began his reigne after the building of the citie of Rome (as writers affirme) about 679 yéeres, and in the yéere of the world 3895, as some that will séeme the precisest calculators doo gather.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Polydor Virgil changing (as I haue shewed) the order of succession in the British kings, in bringing diuerse of those kings, which after other writers fol|lowed Beline and Brenne, to precéed them so succes|siuelie after Beline and Brenne, reherseth those that by his coniecture did by likelihood succéed, as thus. After the decesse of Beline, his sonne Gurguntius, being the second of that name, succeeded in gouern|ment of the land, and then these in order as they fol|low: Merianus, Bladanus, Capeus, Ouinus, Sici|lius, Bledgabredus, Archemallus, Eldorus, Rodia|nus, Redargius, Samulius, Penisellus, Pyrrhus, Caporus, Dinellus, and Helie, who had issue, Lud, Cassibellane, and Neurius.