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5.35. Morinde.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 29] MOrindus the Ba|ſtard ſonne of E|lanius,Mo|rind. was admitted king at Brytayne, in the yeare of the worlde 3667. after the buylding of Rome .451. after the deliuerance of the Iſ|raelites .236. and in the tenth yeare of Caſſan|der K. of Mar [...]a, which hauing diſpatched Olympias the mother of Alexander the great, and gotten Roxanes with Alexanders ſonne into his handes, [...] the kingdome of the Macedonians, and helde it .xv. yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Morindus in the Engliſhe Chronicle is called Morwi [...]h, and was a man of worthie fame in [...] and Martial doings, but ſo cru|ell withall, that his vnmercifull nature could vn|eth be ſatiſfied with the tormẽts of them that had offended him, although oftentymes with his own handes he cruelly put them to torture and execu|tion. He was alſo beautifull and comely of perſo|nage, liberall and bounteous, and of a me [...]uel|lous ſtrength.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In his dayes, a certaine king of the people cal|led Morlani, with a great army landed in Nor|thumberlande,G. Mon. and beganne to make cruell warre vpon the inhabitantes. But Morind aduertiſed hereof, aſſembled his Brytaines, came againſt the enimies, and in battaile put them to [...]ight, and chaſing them to th [...]y'r ſhippe [...], [...] great num|ber EEBO page image 30 of them priſoners, whom to the ſatiſfying of his cruell nature he cauſed to be ſlaine euen in his preſence. Some of them were headed, ſome ſtran|gled, ſome panched, and ſome he cauſed to be ſlain quicke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe people who Gal. Mon. nameth Mo|riani,The like may be thought of thoſe Murreys or Morauians of whom. H.B. ſpeaketh. Fabian. I take to bee eyther thoſe that inhabited a|bout Terrouane and Calice called Mo [...]ni, or ſome other people of the Gaulles or Germalues, and not as ſome eſteeme them, Moranians, or Merhenners, whiche were not knowne to the world (as Humfrey Llhuid hath verie well noted) tyll about the dayes of the Emperour Mauri|tius, which miſcõſtructiõ of names hath brought the Brytiſhe Hyſtorie further out of credite than reaſon requyreth, if the cyrcumſtaunces be duely conſidered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to ende with Morindus. At length this bloudie Prince heard of a Monſter that was come a lande out of the Iriſh ſea, with the which when he woulde needes fight, he was of the ſame deuoured, after he had raigned the terme of .viij. yeares, leauing behinde him fiue ſonnes, Gor| [...]omannus, Archig [...]llo, Elidurus, Vigenius, or Nigenius, and Peredurus.

5.36. Gorbonian.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 Gorbo|men, or Gorbo|nian. [figure appears here on page 30] GOrbonia|nus ye firſt ſonne of Mo|tindus, ſuccee|ded hys father in the King|dome of Bry|tayne, in the yeare of the world .3676. after the buyl|ding of Rome .46. and fourth yeare of the .121. Olympiade.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A righteous and religious Prince. This Gorbonianus in the Engliſhe Chroni|cle is named Graubodian, and was a righteous Prince in his gouernment, and very deuont (ac|cording to ſuch deuotion as he had) towardes the aduauncing of the religion of his Gods: and ther|vpon he repayred all the olde Temples throughe his kingdome, and erected ſome of newe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He buylded alſo the townes of Cambridge, and Grantham (as Caxton wryteth) and was beloued both of the rich and poore, for he honored the rich, and relieued the poore in time of their ne|ceſſities.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In his time alſo was more plentie of al things neceſſarie for the wealthfull ſtate of man, than had beene before in any of his predeceſſors dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He dyed without iſſue, after hee had raigned (by the accorde of moſt wryters) about the terme of ten yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There be that write, that this Gorbonian built the townes of Cairgrant, now called Cãbridge, [...] by [...] was [...] and alſo Grantham, but ſome thinke that thoſe which haue ſo written are dec [...]yued, in miſtaking the name, for that Cãbridge was at the firſt cal|led Granta: and by that meanes it might bee that Gorbonian built onely Erantham, and not Cã|brige, namely, bicauſe other write how that Cã|bridge (as before [...]s ſaid) was buil [...]in the dayes of Gurgũtius the ſonne of Beline, by one Cantaber a Spaniard, brother to Partholoin, which Par|tholoin by the adui [...]e of the ſame Gurgũtius, got ſ [...]ates for himſelfe and his companie in Ireland, (as before ye haue heard.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſayd Cantaber alſo obteyning licence of Gurguntius, [...]uylded a town vpon the ſide of the ryuer called Canta, which he cloſed with walles, and fortified with a ſtrong tower or Caſtell, and after procuring Philoſophers to come hither from Athens (where in his youth he had bene a ſtudent he placed them there, and ſo euen then was that place furniſhed as they ſay) with lerned men, and ſuch as were redie to inſtruct others in knowledge of letters & Philoſophicall doctrine. But by whõ or in what time ſoeuer it was built, certaine it is that there was a Citie or towne walled in that place before the cõming of the Saxons, called by the Brytaynes Cairg [...]aunt, and by the Saxons Grantcheſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This towne [...]ll ſo in ruyne by the inuaſion of the Saxons, that at length it was in maner left deſolate, and at this day remayneth as a village. But neare thervnto vnder the Saxon kings, an+other towne was buylt, now called Cambridge, where by the fauor of K. Sigebert & Felix a B [...]|gunian, that was Biſhop of Dunwich, a ſchoole was erected, as in place cõuenient it ſhal appeare.

5.37. Archigallo.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 30] ARchigallo,Arch [...]|gallo the ſeconde ſonne of Mo|rindus, & bro|ther vnto Gor|bonianus, was admitted King of Brytayn, in the yeare .3686. after the buyl|ding of the citie of Rome .470. after the deliuerance of the Iſraelites out of capti|uitie .255. and in the firſt yeare of Soſthenes king of Macedonia.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Archigallo (in the Engliſh Chronicle called Artogaill, [...] nouriſh [...] ) followed not the ſteppes of hys brother, but giuing himſelfe to diſſention & ſtrife, ymagined cauſes agaynſt his Nobles, that hee might diſplace them, & ſet ſuch in their rowmthes as were men of baſe byrth and of euill cõditions. EEBO page image 31 Alſo he ſought by vnlawfull meanes to bereaue his wealthie ſubiects of their goods and riches, ſo to enrich himſelfe and impoueriſh his people. For the which his inordinate doings, his Nobles cõ|ſpired agaynſt him, and finally depriued him of all his honor & kingly dignitie, after he had raig|ned about the ſpace of one yeare.

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